What do the people of Pakistan think is the most significant issue?

What do the people of Pakistan think is the most significant issue?

Pakistan is a developing nation that has long struggled with a variety of socioeconomic problems, but inflation is by far the largest and most significant challenge that the people of Pakistan still face.

The ratio of inflation and unemployment among Pakistanis has decreased, according to a study from Ipsos Pakistan’s Consumer Confidence Survey 2024 for the first trimester of the current year, although the two still rank among the public’s top concerns.

Inflation tops the list of various socioeconomic problems facing the nation, according to the research. 51% of Pakistanis as of March 2024 think that the biggest issue that has to be addressed is inflation.

The percentage of Pakistanis who cited inflation as their top concern was 53% in November 2023; since then, there has been a 2% decrease in this group.

According to a poll conducted with more than a thousand respondents, 16% of Pakistanis believe that unemployment is the country’s worst problem. There has been a 4% decrease in the number of persons who are worried about unemployment since November 2023.

But since November 2023, 2% more Pakistanis have voiced concerns about poverty, compared to 5% of respondents who said it was the most significant issue facing the nation.

However, 7% of Pakistanis in the most recent study think that poverty is the main problem.

Conversely, “interference of state departments” was cited as the most significant concern by 5% of Pakistanis.

Up to 4% of Pakistanis voiced concerns about “electricity load shedding,” “increase in electricity prices,” and “corruption, bribery, adulteration, nepotism” respectively. Meanwhile, 3% of Pakistanis voiced concerns about discrimination in the application of the law and justice system, 1% about “increased tax burdens,” and 1% about the lack of water for domestic use.