ZA Bhutto as a “National Democratic Hero” is passed by the Sindh Assembly

ZA Bhutto as a "National Democratic Hero" is passed by the SA

In response to a landmark Supreme Court ruling regarding the late prime minister’s trial, sentencing, and execution, the Sindh Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on Thursday designating Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), as a “National Democratic Hero.”

In a meeting today, the province assembly unanimously praised the top court’s landmark ruling in the presidential reference brought up by former president Asif Ali Zardari, which sought to review the execution of Pakistan’s first elected prime minister, Zal Abed Bhutto.

During today’s session, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah tabled a resolution stating the Supreme Court’s opinion as a “significant” step, acknowledging that Bhutto, who had been sentenced to death 45 years earlier, had not been granted justice and a fair trial in accordance with the constitution.

“This decision emphasizes how crucial it is to preserve the values of justice and guarantee that everyone, regardless of position, has the constitutional right to a fair trial. In order to achieve justice and accountability, it serves as a reminder of the necessity of addressing historical injustices and preserving the rule of law,” the statement said.

The resolution further commended the “sacrifices of Begum Nusrat Bhutto and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, who sacrificed their lives to seek justice against the cold-blooded judicial murder of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.”

In addition, it required the Sindh government to “officially declare Bhutto a Shaheed (martyr)” and petition the Center to designate ZA Bhutto as a “National Democratic Hero.”

It also required that political activists and workers be given “Nishan-e-Zulfikar Ali Bhutto” awards by the province administration in recognition of their life sacrifices made in defense of democracy.

Speaking on the assembly floor, Chief Minister Shah emphasized that the relevant laws need to be changed in order to prevent another “atrocity” of this nature. This comes after the Supreme Court acknowledged that there were “flaws” in the Bhutto case, which resulted in his execution.

In line with the resolution he presented, he restated the desire to honor the late PPP founder as a national democratic hero.

The motion was supported by Muhammad Farooq, a Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) member of the Provincial Assembly (MPA), who emphasized that “democratic personalities should be given sentences on the basis of concrete evidence, not by force.”

Farooq made reference to the imprisonment of Imran Khan, the founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), while pointing out that there was another former premier incarcerated who needed to be taken into account. He also emphasized the need for political players to band together going forward to thwart the introduction of undemocratic measures.

PTI-supported autonomous MPA Shabbir Qureshi shared his opinions, arguing that Zalmaitri Bhutto raised national consciousness and that his erroneous execution served as a symbol of what happened to a person who stood up for the country.

Everyone views ZA Bhutto and his daughter Benazir Bhutto as “principled politicians,” Qureshi continued. Nevertheless, the PTI MPA’s microphone was blocked by the PA speaker during his remarks.

Later, the legislature unanimously adopted the resolution that CM Shah had presented.

One day prior, a reserved opinion regarding the trial, sentencing, and execution of the late Prime Minister Bhutto was released by a nine-member panel of the highest court of Pakistan, presided over by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa. The bench said that Bhutto was denied a “fair trial”.

The 2011 presidential referral that sought to review former prime minister Bhutto’s sentencing and death resulted in the release of the opinion.

Politicians and attorneys applauded the highest court’s decision, calling it a “positive development, and historic”.