Pakistani cyclist is sexually harassed in Islamabad

A similar incident has taken place in the city government after the alleged rape of a woman on the Lahore Motorway yesterday.

According to details, a female cyclist from Islamabad was allegedly sexually harassed on the road.

Samar Khan said that I always promoted cycling, promoted women’s sports, I tried to chase this man on a bicycle but he escaped.

While cycling in the capital of the country, Islamabad, Samar was fondled by an unknown person on a motorcycle and he sped away. Despite trying to chase the man on her bicycle, she was unable to catch him.

She pointed out she doesn’t blame anyone, neither men nor the government for whatever happened to her.

However, she went on to question her followers as to how they can ignore such incidents while witnessing them happen to a woman in public.

Khan, while mentioning that she does not blame anyone for the incident neither men neither the government, questioned her followers they ignore such incidents when they witness such incidents in public.

She said at the time she was harassed there were other people driving on the road but chose to ignore the incident. She asked whether the harassers or those involved in such incidents are privileged to do so.

After the achievement, she was quoted by GlacierHub as saying, “In order to change the mindsets of our people, I chose to cycle on glaciers.” “I wanted people to realise the importance of what we have, how to preserve it, and what our duties are toward these majestic landmarks.”

A spokesperson of the Islamabad Police said on Friday that the SHO and SP of the police station, who jurisdiction the incident happened, have contacted the cyclist. He also added that the police was investigating the incident with the help of the CCTV footage.