Pakistani passport fourth worst in the world after Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq

Pakistan has garnered the dubious honor of having the fourth weakest passport in the world behind only war-torn Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, according to the Henley Passport Index.

The index assesses the travel documents based on how many countries citizens can access without a visa, as well as, using information from the International Air Transport Association.

However, it does not factor in any temporary pandemic-related travel restrictions.

The Japanese passport comes out on top with access to 193 countries with Singapore in second with access to 192 countries. Both Germany and South Korea share third place with each giving access to 191 destinations.

Interestingly, despite a military coup, Myanmar has secured the 94th spot in the index with access to 47 destinations whereas India and Bangladesh stand at the 84th and 100th ranks, respectively.

China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) climb from the 90th position to 68th, and 65th position to 15th, respectively.

European Union (EU) countries make the majority of countries ranked on the top 10 list of the Henley Passport Index. The report reveals that the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) have dropped down to seventh place, together with Switzerland, Belgium, and New Zealand.

Among other countries, passports of which are ranked among the most powerful. They are Italy, Finland, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Malta, Greece, and Norway.

The gap between Japan that holds first place and Afghanistan’s access to other countries is 167.