AOOA Demands Action Pending Pilot Licenses and Alleged Hiring Bias Under Scrutiny

AOOA Demands Action: Pending Pilot Licenses and Alleged Hiring Bias Under Scrutiny

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the AOOA said that 130 flight crew (pilots) licenses are pending issuance and their flying has been stopped as PCAA is unable to sign them off.

It has also criticized the hiring practices of local airlines, especially their preference for foreign pilots over hundreds of local and unemployed aviators.

This trend not only sidelined hundreds of Pakistani pilots but also resulted in substantial financial implications, as international pilots were reportedly receiving salaries ranging between $9,500 and $15,000, payable in foreign currency,” the statement added.

It also alleged that these foreign pilots were benefiting from tax exemptions, a matter it suggested should warrant scrutiny from the Federal Board of Revenue and intervention by the government.

It also claimed that foreign pilots were reportedly working without proper work visas, adding: “We demand the FIA to investigate the permission of foreign pilots to fly without a visa.”

The association warned that such an “illegal move” might attract objections from international regulatory bodies like the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the European Aviation Safety Agency.