People You NEED to HELP When YOU CAN

Yesterday, we did something special. We discussed six types of people who need to be left alone. These people were hurtful and spending time with them stimulated hurt in others. However, this time we are going to discuss people you need to look after; people you should help whenever you can. So, eyes open! Help out these people whenever you can!

Long Time, No See

While some people prefer to spend more time by themselves than others, it’s still essential to check up on those friends you haven’t seen in a while, especially when it’s not just you but a lot of other people, too, who’ve lost touch with them. Maybe you used to talk all the time but they gradually stopped returning your calls or replying to your messages. And, yes even if they leave you on read all the time, you still need to check up on them. Why? Because they need you.

Moreover, if they never say yes anymore whenever you invite them to hang out, or rarely ever leave the house to spend time with their friends, track them down! Either way, social withdrawal can be a warning sign that someone is feeling emotionally overwhelmed, burnt out, or struggling with their mental health (Kawachi & Berkman, 2001).

Different Person Lately

If you know someone who’s been acting very unlike themselves lately — maybe a bubbly, cheerful, and outgoing friend who suddenly became quiet, weary, and less confident, then you need to take immediate action! Check in on them and understand where this dramatic change in mood and demeanor is coming from.
It’s probably nothing serious but still; better safe than sorry! In fact, they might be going through something they don’t feel comfortable talking about, but just letting them know that you care and you want to listen is heartwarming enough. So, what are you waiting for? Hit them up!!

People who haven’t been performing well

Whether it’s someone you know from work or from school if someone’s performance has suddenly taken a turn for the worse and you don’t know why it might be time to check up on them and see how they’re doing. People whose mental health is at risk often struggle to function and perform as well as they used to because they might be distracted with a personal problem. Maybe, thinking and concentrating is difficult for them.  In fact, they might feel overwhelmed and disoriented.  Or have lost the interest and motivation to succeed at what they do. All these signs mean… CHECK UP ON THEM!!

The Typical Shoulder-to-Cry-on

Endlessly kind and understanding, always there to offer you advice, listen to your problems, or lend you a helping hand when you need it — if you have someone in your life who’s like this, you should count yourself lucky. Like really lucky!! These people are extremely rare! In fact, true friends like these are hard to come by, which is why it’s all the more important that you check in on them too every once in a while. Why? Because they might be having a hard time of their own but don’t want to burden you with their problems or feel guilty about asking for help. So, offer it to them freely. Tell them that you’re there for them, too. It goes a long way.

People with Big Changes

Even though change is an inevitable part of life that should be embraced instead of fear, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with sometimes. It’s like saying I’m scared of heights but one day I might have to travel somewhere on a plane and I can’t get out of it. Change is real. Change is… it’s indescribable (besides, you’re asking the wrong person. I, for one, do not like change at all). Furthermore, adjusting to a major life change like moving to a new city, breaking up with someone, graduating from college, or working at a new company can all be very scary and unsettling, even if we know it’s ultimately for the best. Please check up on such friends. They might just need you.

People who says they’re fine but doesn’t seem like it

Finally, if you have a friend who says that everything is fine even though they don’t seem like it, check up on them anyway. I know. They probably won’t disclose but just try… I know best what it feels like to be rejected with ‘I’m fine’ way too many times (I’m looking at you; you know who you are). Also, Sending mixed signals to everyone — like faking a smile when something bad happens; or making jokes about how depressed and stressed out they are might be a cry for help.

Furthermore, subtly trying to pick fights with others, or acting passive-aggressively might be a distress signal, so don’t be so quick to dismiss it, even when they tell you otherwise.
Go with your gut! They might not be ready to admit to you or even to themselves that they are struggling with something. But, be there for them anyway and offer them your support to help them get through it.

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