We Asked People What Their Favorite Books Were

Did you know that reading books can reduce stress by approximately 68%? They help you unwind, find respite and reprieve, send you on a little parole from the hustle and bustle of life, and also transcend you into a world that has nothing to do with reality. Maybe that’s the reason why books are read and imbibed and kept and collected! There’s no denying the fact that we all have a favorite book. A book that touched us like no other, that tugged the strings of our heart, probably gave us goosebumps and that keeps pulling us towards it. We all have it, right? I went ahead and asked people on the internet what their favorite book was. The answers that they came up with are… interesting.

Here’s what people’s favorite books were

  • This honestly depends on my mood lol “Harry Potter” is the best book series I’ve ever read. But if I’m going through a tough time and need an escape “The Land of Stories” series by Chris Colfer helped me get through the pandemic….best stand-alone book I ever read is probably the house next door had romance and a good ghost story with it.

  • YES  Whenever I’m in a funk, I turn to “Harry Potter”. Those three were my friends when I felt so alone growing up.
  • Yes, you’re so right!!! Also the Percy Jackson series and Rick Riordan’s other series I loved also I’ve reread them several times when feeling down!!
  • “The Bible”, though I haven’t read all of it. It is comforting. Goodness wins every time.
  • The best book I have ever read is “Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green. I knew that I had the same sort of condition that the main character has but I had no idea that other people had it just like I do. It also helped me realize that it could end up worse but there are ways to help it.
  • “The Alchemist”. Every time I read it, I learn something new or find another line that speaks to me in a way that I really need at that period of my life.
  • “The Hungry Tide” by Amitav Ghosh.
  • “The Holy Quran”. I’ve never found a live changing book better than this. So comforting and healing too.
  • “Cry To Heaven” by Anne Rice. Super emotional and the way she describes that time period makes you feel like you really lived it.

  • ‘I Am Charlotte Simmons’. It was long, Tom Wolfe takes his time developing characters and setting scenes. I really enjoy his writing style.
  • I just finished the final book in the “Courts of Thorns and Roses” series, and the last book “A Court of Silver Flames” is probably one of my favorite books I’ve ever read. I love a good comeback/underdog novel, and this was superb!

  • “Guilty Wives” by James Patterson! Could not put it down and recommend it to every book reader I know.
  • “11/22/63”, “The Stand”, and “A Prayer for Owen Meany”. I recommend the audiobooks of these as they are all narrated brilliantly.
  • “Flowers for Algernon”. Completely changed how I thought about certain things in life.
  • I feel like this depends on my mood and what is going on in my life but it would be a toss-up between “A Song of Achilles” and “Fangirl”. Fangirl helped when I felt lonely or stuck in who I was. A Song of Achilles is just beautiful writing!
  • “Magic’s Pawn” by Mercedes Lackey I could really relate to the main character so much.
  • It just had everything. I’ve read many books since then but none has come close.
  • Harry Potter series – whenever I am in a slump I read it. And any book by Sophie Kinsella whenever I want something light.

  • “Malice” by Danielle Steel
  • “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom. I remember reading it and using it on a book report (after rereading it) in grade 10 because I loved it so much but I have no idea why I love it.
  • I will probably say this till the day I leave this planet “LOST GODS“. I don’t even know how to explain why ..other than this lol..you were told your whole life what Hell is really like..then I stumbled across this gem at the book store it was beefy and the cover caught my eye. I opened it started reading and didn’t really put it down until I finished it. I lent this book out so many times I need a new copy. Everyone I lent it to said it was amazing. I think it’s not for everyone but if you like darker books..give it a try at least.
  • “Count of Monte Cristo”
  • I can’t really choose a favorite, but I highly recommend the “Battle Mage” trilogy by Stephen Arryn to those who like adult fantasy.
  • “The Stand” by Stephen King. It’s an epic battle between good and evil. Classic King, scary, heartbreaking, intense, suspenseful! So worth the long read. Much better than any movie or series I’ve seen so far with the same title.

  • “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman. Grand and poignant storyline. Epic Americana. Creative descriptions and interesting characters you want to see more off.
  • “The Three Musketeers” was my first adult book and I loved it. I used to sneak my dad’s torch into my bedroom and read it under the bedsheets so my parents could not see the light.
  • This book I’m on now, “But Beautiful” by Geoff Dyer, certainly feels like one of the very best – it has the lyricism of Lawrence Durrell or Steinbeck when they are on top form!
  • “The Pillars of the Earth”
  • For me, the best book was “Tuesdays with Morrie”. Although I have read so many good books it’s hard to pick a “favorite”.
  • Terry Pratchett – “I Shall Wear Midnight”. I just love the story, the characters, the way it ends, and how it shows love.
  • “A Tale of Two Cities” & “Pride and Prejudice”. Both such well-written stories and are also amusing.
  • It changes by the week, but for now “Deadlocked Desires”, Ash Johnson. I love it because it’s got great humor, the romance made me melt, and the main character breaks the ‘damsel in distress’ mold throughout the book.
  • “Strange the Dreamer”, because it was magical and flowing and made me feel and it’s what got me back into reading.

  • “We Were Liars”. It had an ending that I wasn’t expecting and it was very emotional. I will always recommend it!
  • “The Kite Runner”. It talks about the interrelationship between a nearly shattered family. The story of Amir and Hassan is so heart-touching, at the same time it’s so unfair that your cheeks ought to feel tears rolling down them as you read. This book has taught me to never judge a person. For everyone has their stories and their own share of vice and virtue that shapes them into who they are. On reading this novel I had a major change in my perception about life… that situations may seem unfair sometimes but we need to be prepared to accept the reality and not let ourselves be deceived from witnessing the truth.
  • “Into the Wild”. Really opened my eyes, and is a beautiful story about a very misunderstood man.
  • This is such a hard question but I’ll say “The Hunger Games” series by Suzanne Collins. Though I also love books like “They Both Die At The End” by Adam Silvera,” All The Bright Places” by Jennifer Niven, and “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover, which are books that broke my heart and made me bawl my eyes out (which is something I look forward to when reading books). I don’t know. I want a book to break me and drain my tears LOL.
  • I will say only the ones that have marked me the most this year: “Jane Eyre” and “Little Women”.
  • “Lord of The Rings”- great story and characters. Has fantasy, adventure, magic, mystery, travel, romance, fighting, and wars.
  • “The Man Who Laughs” by Victor Hugo. It has everything, history, philosophy, poetry, love, light, darkness, humor, politics… and I love the duo Ursus – Homo.

  • “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is tied with the great gatsby. I think it’s because I resonate with Gatsby and Charlie on such a different level so they just stuck with me.
  • My all-time favorite is “To Kill A Mockingbird” and that goes back to middle school. You were only able to read books based on your reading level and I was reading 12th-grade books in 7th grade and this was the first I had read that was “more advanced” or whatever so it’s always just stuck with me. I have read it more than once and it’s better every time. Learning to never judge a book by its cover or sticking up for others even though it’s an unpopular opinion or goes against society. It’s just a great book.
  • “The Alchemist”. It is one small book that changed my perception of life and also made me realize that dreams may sometimes not be peculiar, whatever you are dreaming of, someone else may be having the same dream. Now it depends on who goes out to make it a reality to tell the success story.
  • “Les Miserables” by Hugo. It has so many messages dealing with redemption, empathy, self-sacrifice, altruism, and never giving up on someone; it’s a novel everyone should read.

  • “Pride and Prejudice” is my all-time favorite book! Jane Austen wrote so beautifully and the banter between Elizabeth and Darcy as well as with the rest of the family makes my heart happy. Something about it is so comforting to me.
  • “Strange the Dreamer”, because it was magical and flowing and made me feel and it’s what got me back into reading.

We’d love to hear from you!

Enjoyed the list? Maybe you found new books to devour. Let us know in the comments section, what’s your all-time favorite book and why you like it the way you do.

Are you in the middle of a reading slump? This and this article may help you out a bit.