PM calls for Muslim unity to end attacks on Islam

PM calls for Muslim unity to end attacks on Islam, Prophet PBUH. Prime Minister Imran Khan has raised the issue of the publication of blasphemous caricatures on the international level and asked the leaders of the Muslim states to act collectively for countering the Islamophobia; attacks on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Western countries especially Europe. PM calls for Muslim unity to end attacks on Islam, Prophet PBUH.

PM Imran Khan has written a letter to the head of the Muslim states, urging for unity and clarity to bring an end to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Western states especially Europe.

He said that Muslim Ummah is confronting a growing concern; and restlessness after the recent tide of Islamophobia and attacks through ridicule and mockery; of the beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the Western world, especially European.

He said, “The recent statements at the leadership level and incidents; of desecration of the Holy Quran are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries; where sizeable Muslim populations reside.”

The premier expressed deep concerns over the closure of mosques in Europe; Muslim women were being denied their right to wear clothing of their choice in the public domain; even as the nuns and priests continue to display their religious clothing; and covert and overt discrimination is widespread against Muslims living in the countries.



there has to be an understanding by the Western world of giving similar respect to Muslims; who have also seen their people killed; in mass numbers from Bosnia to Iraq to Afghanistan, to Indian Illegally Occupy Jammu and Kashmir, but for whom the pain and hurt are greatest when we see attacks on our faith and our beloved Prophet PBUH through mockery, ridicule, and even abuse. In fact, blasphemy against any Prophet of Islam, Christianity, or Judaism is unacceptable in our faith.”

PM Imran Khan say ‘the time has come for the leaders of the Muslim world to take the message with clarity and unity to the rest of the world, especially the Western world so an end is put to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and our Prophet PBUH.”

He added that ‘the world cannot continue on this hate spiral, which only benefits extremists agendas on all sides and results in polarized societies and violence.”

“Our faith is guid peace and tolerance as practice in Riyasat-i-Madina and in accordance with Misaq-i-Madina (the Treaty concluded by our Prophet PBUH between Muslims and Jews). It is our responsibility to inform the world of this spirit and core of our faith in Islam.”