PM Imran Khan: Modi used Balakot crisis to win election

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said purported WhatsApp conversations of an Indian anchor published in Indian media prove that the Modi government used the Balakot incident for electoral gains; a point he had already revealed to the world in the 2019 UNGA session.

The premier was referring to recently emerged transcripts of purported WhatsApp conversations between firebrand Indian anchor Arnab Goswami and Pratho Dasgupta; the incarcerated head of rating company Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC); which suggest that the television host knew about Modi government’s plan to stage a military strike in Pakistan days before the February 26, 2019 event occurred.

In a series of tweets, the prime minister recalled that in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2019; he had told the international community that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP); had “used the Balakot crisis for domestic electoral gains”.

“Latest revelations from the communication of an Indian journalist, known for his warmongering; reveal the unholy nexus between the Modi govt and Indian media; that led to a dangerous military adventurism to win an election in utter disregard for the consequences of destabilizing the entire region,” the prime minister tweeted.

He said that Pakistan had “averted a larger crisis by a responsible, measured response to Balakot”. However, the Modi government’s actions are turning India into a “rogue state”, he added.

India’s disinformation campaign

He said that the India’s sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan; the human rights abuse carried out by the Indian forces in occupied Kashmir and a 15-year long disinformation campaign to discredit nations; in conflict with New Delhi, particularly Pakistan “all stand exposed”.

“Now India’s own media has revealed the dirty nexus that is pushing our nuclearised region to the brink of a conflict it cannot afford,” the premier said.

“I want to reiterate that my government will continue to expose India’s belligerent designs towards Pakistan and Modi government’s fascism. Int(international) community must stop India from its reckless; militarist agenda before the Modi government’s brinkmanship pushes our region into a conflict it cannot control.”

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that India stood further exposed with the leaked chats; revealing a “staggering new low”.

“Staging ‘false flag’ ops, stoking hyper-nationalism, unholy BJP-crony media nexus and endangering regional security. RSS-BJP rogue regime have no credibility going to any lengths to get to and stay in power,” he said.