Personal Poetry Part I-“I Can’t Let You Go”

Misconceptions About Poetry

Poetry has a notorious reputation for being extremely confounding and baffling. I guess I just made worse. Let’s try that again. Poetry is known for its difficult reading style. Much better, right? But, who cares about reputation in this day and age? Likewise, just because someone says it is doesn’t make it so. Everyone says that poetry is for the truly intellectual. You have to be smart to write and read it. Additionally, poetry is like dead frog—happily awaiting the time of dissection. Furthermore, some people argue that only people who are good with words can ink down poetic masterpieces. A little too much hype, don’t you think?

21st Century Poetry

I understand where you’re coming from. Shakespeare and Wordsworth induced a never-ending fire of hatred for complex poetry. But, they were Shakespeare and Wordsworth! Their era sort of enforced them to use such lofty language. Thank God for the 21st century! I don’t know how many times I’ve written this in my gratitude journal. Such a blessing it is to have lived at such a time! We have ease and convenience. Similarly, poetry these days is not as perplexing as it was when Romeo and Juliet couldn’t see each other. Now, we have Merida running through the woods. I’m pretty sure Juliet wouldn’t have dared to do that but she would have probably approved.

I Feel You

Personally, I hated poetry too. Ironic since I’m an English Literature major—by choice. I purposely abandoned a medical future so I could purse humanities. However, literature and arts help us to become better humans. Hence, the reason why it’s called humanities. Literature helps us to better understand society. We can easily understand other people’s feelings and thoughts by reading their most intimate writings—in the form of poetry or prose. Hence, today I’m pouring my heart out.

Title: I Can’t Let You Go

When we were together
happiness came easily
I held your hand
and couldn’t control my heartbeat

Then our passion turned to ice
I noticed you creating more distance between us
I didn’t want to go against your wishes
so I decided not to make a fuss

The secrets and fears
hidden in your eyes
were my only souvenirs
so were your silent cries

Every word you said
became a shadow in my heart
All of our happy memories
When did they even start?

Into Poetry? Check this poem out!

Forgive me for pretending to be cold
It’s not that I was overthinking
but every secret was untold
and I was tired of lingering

I’m still singing the song I wrote for you
Perhaps if you only knew
But, I still love you deeply
How could I just let go so easily?

But, in the end, I did
As I didn’t want you to feel burdened
Humans are unpredictable
That’s what you always said

I say I’m over you
I tell myself I’m alright
But I still can’t let you go
That’s why I can’t sleep at night

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