Tonight is predicted to be the first “Wolf Moon” of 2024

Tonight is predicted to be the first "Wolf Moon" of 2024

The “Wolf Moon,” the first full moon of the year, is a spectacular celestial sight that will light up the night sky on Thursday. The eerie howls of wolves that frequently reverberate through winter nights are the source of the name of this lunar event. Scheduled to reach its peak at 12:54 pm ET, the Wolf Moon will be most clearly seen during the evening for watchers in the Northern Hemisphere.

To go along with this lunar marvel, a celestial trio appears early on Friday morning under the bright light of the full moon: Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Venus will rise at 5:11 in the morning, followed by Mars at 6:09 and Mercury at 6:05. If you have binoculars, Saturday is a great day to see Venus shine brightly before dawn. If the sky are clear, you might even catch a glimpse of Mars, the red planet.

Adding to the astrological romance, NASA anticipates an intriguing celestial meeting as the waning moon converges with the brightest star in the Leo constellation, Regulus, on Saturday morning. This celestial alignment highlights the dynamic interaction between the lunar and stellar realms and produces a visually arresting moment.

These astronomical occurrences offer an enthralling blend of natural wonder and science, enabling skywatchers to enjoy the cosmic ballet taking place overhead. Spectators are treated to a celestial display that connects us to the expanse of the cosmos and the exquisite choreography of celestial bodies as the Wolf Moon illuminates the night sky and the planets align in their orbital dance. These moments serve as a reminder of the breathtaking beauty that exists outside of our planet, regardless of how often you observe the stars.