Private companies can now import COVID-19 vaccine; Government


Covid Vaccine


On Tuesday last week, Pakistan received half a million Coronavirus vaccine. the vaccine will first be given to frontline workers. Which include more than 400,000 doctors, healthcare workers, teachers, and social workers. Because they run the highest risk of exposure.

Firstly the vaccine will be provided to citizens over the age of 65. Due to their weak immune system, they are more affected by these diseases. The shipment marked the first shots to be imported into the country where more than 550,000 cases of the disease have been reported since the outbreak in February last.

The government will receive a further 1.1 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine by the end of this month. This statement was given by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. Private companies are now allowed to import coronavirus vaccines. They have agreed to exempt such imports from price caps as the world scrambles to secure supplies.

The documents show the National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination division had sought a special cabinet exemption to allow for such imports while excluding the imported vaccines from the strict price cap regime that is typically applied to all drug sales within the country.

State Minister of Health Dr. Faisal Sultan said that the government would still innoculate its people for free of cost. But those who are able to pay for the vaccine have the option to buy their own.

“Only those who wish to get it via private sector will pay anything,” he said. “Personally, my assessment is that when the vaccines are available and we have market competition, that will automatically set the prices.” he further added.
