PSX Trading 804M Shares Traded KSE-100 Dips 0.11%

PSX Trading 804M Shares Traded KSE-100 Dips 0.11%

PSX Trading 804M Shares Traded KSE-100 Dips 0.11%


A total of 804,261,249 shares were traded during the day as compared to 552,564,507 shares the previous day, whereas the price of shares stood at Rs 16.975 billion against Rs 14.590 billion on the last trading day.

As many as 473 companies transacted their shares in the stock market, 261 of them recorded gains and 138 sustained losses, whereas the share price of 74 companies remained unchanged.

Earlier this week, the KSE-100 index of the PSX shed 84.82 points, showing a negative change of 0.11 percent on Tuesday, closing at 77,745.52 points against 77,830.34 points on the last working day.

A total of 380,717,441 shares were traded during the day as compared to 471,749,071 shares the previous day, whereas the price of shares stood at Rs 11.237 billion against Rs 16.915 billion on the last trading day.

As many as 446 companies transacted their shares in the stock market, 196 of them recorded gains and 183 sustained losses, whereas the share price of 67 companies remained unchanged.
