PSYCHOPATH… They come out of NOWHERE!


We’ve heard the term psychopaths a plethora of times. I mean, we’re no strangers to it. In fact, we often describe a psychopath as a person with “antisocial behavior and low empathy”. Moreover, they make up about one percent of our society. But, they are still difficult to identify as they are masters of hide and seek. However, with focused observation, we can figure out whether we are talking to a psychopath or not.
Here are some red flags to watch out for!!

I never said that!

Yeah. We’ve heard this one before. Psychopaths often say things like “you heard me wrong” or “You’re misunderstanding me”. Now, the purpose of this whole banter is make you question yourself. Did they actually say that? Or did you really hear them wrong? Now, this situation feels kind of familiar, doesn’t it? Remember gas lighting!! So, what happens? Well, the psychopath intentionally aggravates you and then twists the situation around to blame you instead of them.

Stop over-analyzing everything!

Okay. True Story. I’ve heard this from a billion people. Instead of accepting responsibility, they build guilt into the victim for “reading too much into things”. So, whenever you question the things that a psychopath does, they act all innocent and evade accountability.

You’re crazy/jealous

Now, here comes the hard part. When we like someone, we normally can’t control it. It’s… out of our hands. So, when we fall for a psychopath, we eventually become labelled as crazy or super jealous. How? Well, first they will initiate contact and tell you to only call and text them. When you comply, they’ll switch over and tell you to stop. Therefore, in any case, you’re crazy!!


This phrase is quite common. A psychopath might say “you’re oversensitive” to the most irrelevant things. In fact, an expert proclaims that “psychopaths manufacture emotions in others”. Furthermore, they are good at pushing you to your breaking point and then saying that you’re too sensitive.

I hate drama

Reality check! Psychopaths thrive on drama. But, they will deliberately make statements like “I hate drama” to ensure people know that they condone negative behavior. Even though, you’ll notice that they are the most dramatic person you’ve ever met!! So, be on your guard. Not all that glitters is gold.

Read more from me HERE!
To learn about phrases that you should say to your kids, check THIS out!!