PTI Warns Govt Over Failed Talks Threatens Civil Disobedience

PTI Warns Govt Over Failed Talks Threatens Civil Disobedience

PTI Warns Govt Over Failed Talks Threatens Civil Disobedience


“We had to launch the civil disobedience movement from today but during it, the negotiation committee constituted,” he said. This committee was meant to hold talks with the government, he said. “The government only played the game of talks,” he said.

“We will announce our line of action if the talks don’t begin in the next two days,” he warned. “Only the government will be responsible for any loss,” he said.

“How the situation will become difficult if four billion dollars in remittances from Pakistanis in Europe, the United States, and the UK do not reach to country,” the PTI leader questioned.

He asked the government to impose ba an over the non-serious statements of its ministers.
