Qadri says: Saudi Arabia yet to determine the number of Hajj pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia yet to determine the number of Hajj pilgrims.

According to Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Noor-ul-Haq Qadri on Sunday, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has not yet made a final decision. Saudi Arabia yet to determine the number of Hajj pilgrims and Hajj-related regulations.

In a video message, Qadri stated that the Saudi minister for Hajj and Umrah acknowledged, over the phone, that the Hajj 2021 policy has not been finalized.

The Saudi government also stated that media reports on the number of pilgrims were only suggestions from the Saudi Ministry of Health.

Saudi Arabia yet to determine the number of Hajj pilgrims. The minister stated that the Saudi government has yet to make a final judgment on these recommendations. Before reaching a final decision on Hajj, the Saudi authorities will consult with Pakistan.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, 45,000 individuals from other nations would permit to perform the religious. Additionally, 15,000 locals would also allow attend the religious event this year.

The pilgrims must adhere to coronavirus-specific standard operating practices.

Qadri anticipated that the Saudi government will inform Pakistani authorities of the number of Pakistani pilgrims allowed to do Hajj this year later.

The Pakistani government has requested that the Chinese Covid-19 vaccination register for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

The Hajj for this year has scheduled to commence on July 17. An estimated two million people travel Makkah and Madinah each year for the annual Hajj gathering.

However, due to the coronavirus epidemic, only a small number of individuals will be permitted to do Hajj. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, only 10,000 Saudis has permitted to perform Hajj last year.
