New Smart Golf Cart Service for Tawaf During Ramadan Ease for Pilgrims with Special Needs

New Smart Golf Cart Service for Tawaf During Ramadan Ease for Pilgrims with Special Needs

New Smart Golf Cart Service for Tawaf During Ramadan Ease for Pilgrims with Special Needs


During Ramadan, the General Authority for the Care of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque has introduced a new service: smart golf carts for tawaf, which circle the Holy Kaaba. This service aims to help older people and those with special needs during the busy Umrah season.

The authority announced that certain pilgrims can use these golf carts through different entrances, like the Ajyad Escalators, King Abdulaziz Gate Elevators, and Umrah Gate Elevators. The carts will be available from 4:00 pm to 4:00 am every day, covering 12 hours.

The golf carts are only for doing tawaf, and each ride costs SR25 per person, including tax. There are 50 golf carts in total, and each cart can hold up to 10 passengers.

To use the golf cart service, pilgrims can buy tickets from the sales points located on the roof of the Grand Mosque.
