Reason(s) behind the BIRTH of the ENGLISH novel


Nowadays, the novel is regarded as the most sought-after and praised form of literature. It is defined as “an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex; it deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events” (Novel, n.d.). The origins of the novel date back to the late seventeenth century, but the literary form actually developed in eighteenth century England. During this time, many social and economic changes occurred which had quite an impact on the literature. The reasons behind the birth and popularity of the English novel are discussed below.

First Reason

Eighteenth-century England witnessed the rise of the middle class. Due to the dramatic increase of commerce and trade, courtesy of the Industrial Revolution, the middle class demanded their own literary form that would reflect their ideals, temper, and issues. They did not feel connected nor even remotely interested in poetry or drama which portrayed mighty heroes and great warriors. The middle-class citizens yearned for a literary medium that emphasized the importance of the common man. The novel not only fulfilled the middle-class people’s desire for a separate genre but also was in sync with their psyche. Therefore, the middle-class played a significant role in the rise of the novel.

Second Reason

The literacy rates in the Age of Reason inclined and this was a strong factor behind the growing acceptance of the novel. Thanks to the printing press, common people were able to access literature and reading became cheaper than before. Therefore, the modern novel is regarded as the kid of the printing press. Also, charity schools were established during this time which aimed to educate the poor masses. These two events resulted in a massive increase in literacy rates of the people in England and they spent their leisure time reading. To sum up, the increase in the literary rates during the time of the introduction of the novel aided in its approval and fame.

Third Reason

The fall of romance simultaneously led to the escalation of the novel. In the medieval age, romances captured the hearts of the public. However, since the eighteenth century brought about various new changes, people no longer felt the desire to read old tales that were not relatable to them. Furthermore, they were usually written in the third person giving a sense of alienation. On the other hand, the novel was a new addition to the literary scene. It reflected the contemporary societal problems and ideals. Also, they were written from a personal point of view that made readers feel more involved. As a result, people left the medieval romances and favored the novel as their prime hobby or leisure activity.

Fourth Reason

Drama also played an important role in the growth of the novel. Theatre was a form of art that was not easily accessible to everyone; only high-class individuals could attend such events. The theatre tickets cost way too much for an ordinary person. Also, Dramas, like poetry, comprised of extraordinary individuals and their adventures. People found such subject matters tedious and craved to read things that reflected their lives. Novels were the complete opposite. They were cheap and easily accessible to anyone. Furthermore, their subject matters consisted of contemporary difficulties, which were readily understood and appreciated by the audience. To conclude, the decline of drama paved the way for the rise of the novel.


Fourth Reason Cont.

Another important reason why novels were preferred over dramas was freedom. Freedom of writing was given to the novelist; it didn’t fall prey to length restrictions like drama. Also, the novelist could choose to tell the story from any point of view. This was not possible in drama as the playwright had to stay in the background. Finally, people were getting more and more interested in literature itself, and theatre could only cater to a few people because of limited seating. Novels did not have this disadvantage. Therefore, novels were given more emphasis and admiration.

The novel was the best mode to satisfy the people’s need for reading about daily happenings. By the virtue of technological advancement, citizens were eager to know about day-to-day events. To satiate this desire, periodicals and novels were introduced. While periodicals died out after a successful career, the novel remained as the primary source of reading for the public. That is why the first novel Pamela by Samuel Richardson was composed in the form of letters. Conclusively, the novel served the best purpose for placating the people’s desire.

Fifth Reason

The democratic movement also aided in the birthing of the English novel. This movement not only broke down the barriers between different social classes but also emphasized the importance of the life and activities of the common man. Resultantly, the novel became known as a democratic epic; instead of princes or warriors, ordinary men were the protagonists. Therefore, the novelists of the time dealt with commoners. Pamela by Samuel Richardson deals with a maidservant’s life and her attempts of resisting her master’s temptations. The novel owes its birth and rise to the democratic movement.

Sixth Reason

Another factor that led to the birth of the novel was literary realism. This was present in England in a half-developed form during the 18th century. Novelists used to describe mundane events and experiences in their works. They told real stories without romanticizing them. Pamela, Joseph Andrews, Robinson Crusoe, Tom Jones, etc. depicted real people and real situations and the protagonists were always from the middle or low class. This was a key factor by which individuals preferred to read novels over plays and poetry. Realism was an important contribution to the rise of the novel.

Seventh Reason

The English contribution is the most important reason behind the birth of the novel. Every country had a literary form to its name. Americans were the experts on writing short stories. French were the originators of prose. Greece contributed poetry and drama to the world. The English did not have anything to their name so, they developed their own literary form. The novel was not created by the English first, rather they popularized it and crafted it as a common man’s art. As a result, the English contributed the novel as their own form of literature and this led to its popularity.


In short, there were a couple of reasons which aided the birth and rise of the English novel. The rising middle class was a primary factor that led the reading public craving to read stories about common men. Another factor was the dramatic increase in literacy rates and the desire to be aware of day-to-day happenings. The decline of theatre and romances led to the escalation of the novel since novels were more relatable and easily accessible than the latter literary forms. The democratic movement and literary realism played a crucial part in shaping the rise of the novel by highlighting the significance of real stories about daily activities and commoners. Finally, the novel was the English writer’s contribution to literature.

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