Win Big with Rs100 Prize Bonds Rs700,000 Grand Prize on Aug 15, 2024

Win Big with Rs100 Prize Bonds Rs700,000 Grand Prize on Aug 15, 2024

It could chance to win prizes, including a grand prize of Rs700,000, plus several 2nd and 3rd prizes, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

The 47th balloting of the Rs100 prize bond will be held in Karachi on August 15, 2024 (Thursday).

1st Prize: 700,000 rupees for 1 winner
2nd Prize: 200,000 rupees for 3 winners
3rd Prize: 1,000 rupees for 1696 winners

Prize Bonds are considered one of the secure investment options in Pakistan, offering the chance to win substantial prizes while preserving the principal amount.

Prize Bonds in Pakistan: All You Need To Know

Meanwhile, the odds of winning are low, and the allure of potentially significant rewards attracts numerous participants.

The Prize Bonds are regulated by National Savings, under the central bank, which is another reason for their popularity.

Despite the slim chances, many Pakistanis continue to invest in these bonds in hopes of securing substantial cash prizes.