Save Nature, What Happens when a Forest is Cut Down”

The death of a forest has vast effects on the environment of a country and on the lives of the people living in it. When a forest is cut away the land soon turns into a desert. Sometimes rainfall also decreases. But at the same time, even a smaller flow of water can turn into a flood and destroy the land. Also, if a forest is cut down, the animals living in it soon die. Unfortunately, many forests in the world are being destroyed by people who take the wood for fuel or timber. The tropical rainforests, which are the home of a rich variety of plants and animals, are under threat of complete destruction.

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If these forests are destroyed, the earth will lose one of its most wonderful resources. Mangrove forests, which grow in coastal regions, are also threatened by polluted water. Pine trees, which once covered a large part of our hilly areas, are also being cut down senselessly. Many beautiful animals of the world are also disappearing. There are two major causes of this sad happening. The first is the cutting down of the forest. When a forest is cut down the animals living in it cannot find any food and they soon die. The second reason for the disappearance of the animals is hunting Animals are Chunted for their skin, meat or bones.

Extinction of Animals

About four hundred years ago rhinoceros was found in some parts of Pakistan. Due to reckless hunting, this animal has disappeared from this region. There are other animals that have completely disappeared from the whole earth just because of the greed and selfishness of human beings.
Today, the elephants are hunted for their teeth (ivory)) while tiger and leopard are hunted for their skin. Other animals of the world which are threatened include panda, gorilla, snow leopard, ibex, houbara bustard, green turtle and whale But there are many others and some of them are not even known to us yet. It means that if they disappear we will never know that they ever existed. The world is realising the Today, several organizations in the world are motivating people to save nature by planting trees and going pollution-free.

World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) to Save Forest Life:

Sensible people all over the importance of saving the forests as well as the animals to save their environment. Some of the most famous environmental organizations are the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Greenpeace. Several governments are also taking steps in this regard. In many countries, the forests are maintained in such a manner that new trees are planted in place of every old tree that is cut down. Governments are trying to take care of wildlife, but the future actually depends upon the people. We all should do something to save our planet by saving the living things that exist on it.