Simple Acts of Kindness on Valentine’s Day

Acts of Kindness: On Valentine’s day, it’s not always an option to buy expensive gifts for showing your feelings for your loved ones, you can practice this small thing by spending zero money on this day which the world needs more, being human these acts can bring a little change in the wake of the pandemic.

Research shows that helping others can be beneficial to our mental health. It can reduce stress, improve our emotional wellbeing and even benefit our physical health.

Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said:

“We all have so much going on in our lives, lots of strains and stresses, and we are currently living in a combative political atmosphere.

Being kind can get pushed to one side, in favor of what is urgent or what is trending now. But taking time to be kind to other people can make you feel good, help reduce stress and be beneficial for your own emotional wellbeing.”

Here; Rangeinn explores some simple ways to exhibit kindness in various areas of your life; with your loved ones, with your colleagues, in public spaces, and, perhaps most importantly, with yourself.


Time can pass us by faster than we’d like; life is busy and there always seems to be something that tops the never-ending to-do list. But, sometimes, you have to put life’s chores to one side.

It’s Best Time to Call Your Friend

Make time to call or text a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while, or check in on someone you know who’s going through a tough time.
It’s Best Time to Write Them
Post a card or letter to a loved one – a handwritten one always feels that little bit more special. It doesn’t have to say anything, in particular, just letting them know that you love them and are thinking of them is a simple and kind gesture.
It’s Best Time to Show Love
Tell your family members how much you love and appreciate them. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it with words, show kindness in your actions. Help with household chores, offer to make dinner, or treat someone.


We spend much of our days at work, so it’s time to get compassionate with those who work with (or for) us.
Know your new staff
Make a special effort to get to know a new member of staff. Remember what it feels like to be a new person.
Greet Someone
Make an effort to greet any of your colleagues in the office you haven’t talked to previously and ask how they are. Offer to make a drink/Tea or lend a listening ear for a colleague who’s having a bad day.
Time to say Thank you
Of course, it’s not all about offering support. Saying thank you to a colleague who has helped you or offering praise to someone who has done something well can be just as important.


Our friends, family, and colleagues can, and perhaps should, be our main priority when it comes to showing kindness; but we must not forget our impact on the world around us.
Smile. It might seem silly but don’t underestimate the power of smiling at a stranger.
Be observant and offer help where you can. If you see someone struggling to reach the top shelf in a supermarket, be that helping hand; If you see a parent struggling to carry a pushchair down some stairs, be that extra pair of hands.
If you see some rubbish lying around in the street, do the right thing and pick it up.


One area of your life where you should not underestimate the importance of being kind is with yourself; self-compassion is a vital component in self-care. So, priorities ‘me-time’ in your routine.

It’s important to remember that self-care is whatever you feel you need – it’s different for each of us. For you, it might be yoga or meditation, or listening to a favorite song, or spending some time in nature.

Time to Kick-Off
Stop engaging with things that don’t bring you joy; Are there certain TV programs or newspapers that fill you with dread?

In fact, Are there social media accounts that leave you feeling bad about yourself? Stop reading it, stop following it – enough is enough.

Instead, fill your online world with acts of digital kindness. Follow things that make you happy and good about yourself and do your bit by sending a message of love or support to a stranger.

This is important to help you relax and reflect in day-to-day life but is especially important if you’re feeling stressed or burnt out for a prolonged period.

These may sound like small, simple acts, but this is exactly how change happens. Keep going, keep sharing and let’s create the kinder world that we want to live in.