Follow These 5 Simple Steps to Loose Weight

There is much discussion about the right way to lose weight, especially when it comes to carbohydrates and fat. According to new studies, both low carb and low-fat diets may help people lose weight, especially when a high-quality diet and personal behaviour improvement are emphasised. Essentially, the safest weight loss diet is one that you can maintain for the longest time! I’m not sure where to go. Not sure how to start your personal weight loss plan? Follow these five steps to lose weight by eating what works for you.

Step: 01 Track Your Food to Lose Weight:

Going on a diet is similar to going on a budget. You must first inventory what you are “spending” calories on, and then you must begin to cut down. Track your food for three to seven days, ideally including at least two weekends and one weekday. It doesn’t matter whether you keep a diet diary or use an app to keep track of what you consume; just make sure you write down what you eat and how much you eat.

Step 2: Identify Empty Calories

The second phase entails reviewing your diet log and finding items that are rich in empty calories. Foods with a high number of added carbohydrates added fats, or energy relative to the amount of fibre, vitamins, and minerals they contain are known as empty calorie foods. Empty calorie foods, on the other hand, have a lot of calories but very little nutritional benefit. Examples of foods can be included in the section below.

Simple Sources of Empty Calories

  • Hot tea, coffee drinks, sodas, flavoured milk, and most juice drinks are sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Cookies, sandwiches, pastries, muffins, sweet breads, and pies are examples of baked goods.
  • Ice cream, yoghurt, flavoured milk, and creamers are all dairy products.
  • Quick food, French fries, and fried chicken are also examples of fried foods.
  • Hot dogs, salami, bologna, pepperoni, pork, and sausage are examples of processed meats.
  • Snack foods include granola bars, cereal, crackers, snacks, cookies, and other similar products.

Step 3: Reduce high or Empty Calory Foods:

Act to eliminate your personal top sources of empty calories now that you’ve recognised them. Spending less than 10% of your calorie budget on empty calories is a reasonable rule of thumb. For example, on a 1500-calorie diet, anyone looking to lose weight can limit empty calories to 150 calories per day or less. 12 cup of ice cream, 12 ounces of malt, or 15 potato chips! For weight loss, save room in your diet for small portions of your favourite treats, but fill up mostly on healthy foods.

Step 4: Replace high or Empty Calory Foods:

Using fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and minimal levels of healthy fats is beneficial to your wellbeing as well as your waistline. For disease prevention, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and several health agencies advocate a plant-based, whole-foods diet. Make at least half of your plate non-starchy veggies for weight reduction, and mix with a lean protein like chicken.

Step 5: Eat in A Smaller Plate to Lose Weight:

And if you consume only nutritious meals, if you eat too many, your weight reduction efforts will be slowed! The trick to weight management is portion control. Using fewer dishes, cups, and utensils is a simple way to consume smaller servings. Before you eat at a diner, pack half of your food to take with you.