The best and worst ways to remove blackheads

The best and worst ways to remove blackheads

Firstly, you need to know what blackheads are, They are small blemishes that appear as dark spots on the face, especially gathered around the nose. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to prevent you from having blackheads completely. But this article has suggestions for some control over this matter.

There are a few measures you can take to prevent the formation of new blackheads and remove existing ones. However, there are some commonly used methods, such as pore strips, which may have the worst consequences.

First of all, blackheads do not have black colour which most people typically assume but it’s dirt. It’s formed when pores are filled with oil and other tiny particles. Exposure to air causes the material to oxidize, resulting in its black appearance.

Blackheads commonly form in the places where oil is produced and gather a lot, like around nose, forehead, chin and even shoulders, back and chest.

Certain methods have their own drawbacks

Few methods are effective to remove blackheads, but they can be bad for your skin and can cause scarring, infections, and irritation when done at home.

Salicylic acid

Blackheads are formed when oil and dead skin cells block pores. Salicylic acid, found in many cleansers, helps to break down oil and dead skin cells. Start Using salicylic acids only once a day and wash your face multiple times as well. if your skin adapts well, then gradually increase the frequency to use salicylic acid to twice daily.


Exfoliation is an excellent option to treat blackheads, specifically when you are using products that contain alpha and beta hydroxy acids( AHAs and BHAs). Exfoliation may not be effective to treat acne but it is the best option to tackle blackheads. Both techniques entail removing the skin’s outermost layer. BHAs are a better option because they are typically easier to access and more reasonably priced.

Exfoliating brushes

Susan Messick, a dermatologist and associate professor of dermatology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said that skin brushes are great for exfoliating, but advised to start with caution.

It is advised to use a well-made brush rather than a toothbrush dipped in a cleanser or a homemade brush. If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid doing this and only do it sometimes.

Topical retinoid creams

Topical retinoid creams are very effective in unclogging pores for stubborn acne, as well as similarly treating blackheads.


Clay masks are very effective at removing oil from blocked pores, and some also include sulfur to eliminate dead skin cells. Charcoal produces similar effects, with even more impressive outcomes.

chemical peels

Chemical peels are usually used to reduce aging signs like to reduce fine lines and age spots. These peels typically contain AHAs or BHAs and work by gently removing dead skin cells.

What are chemical peels

The skin looks younger, smoother, and more invigorated after this procedure. Though not designed with blackheads in mind, it does a good job of getting rid of dead skin and shrinking pores.

Always choose non-comedogenic products.

Non-comedogenic makeup and facial products are significant to ensure that your efforts do not go into waste. These products are particularly designed to avoid pores blockage, allowing your skin to breathe and thrive.

Remove makeup daily

Steer clear of sleeping with makeup on to avoid blackheads. After a long day, taking it off could feel intimidating, but it’s necessary.

Foam cleanser

For those with oily skin, foam cleansers work really well, especially toward the end of the day. Makeup removers can be used to clean the face before cleaning.

Be careful with physical removals

Any kind of popping, scratching, or picking is almost never permitted. It’s tempting, though. It is possible, but it needs to be done properly, with extreme skill, and by a knowledgeable individual.

Pores strips

Certain approaches may produce unfavourable results rather than favourable ones. For example, pore strips remove things that are good for the skin, including oils and hair follicles, which make the skin dry and irritated.

Oil glands

Your sebaceous glands react to this discomfort by creating more oil, which makes blackheads more common.

Plastic tools

Specialized metal or plastic instruments are used in additional extraction techniques to efficiently and painlessly clean pores.

Inappropriate use of these instruments can cause cuts, scrapes, and sometimes lasting scars, hence, training is required to use them safely.

Do not stress your skin

Applying too many skincare products to your skin in the mistaken belief that doing so will address the issue is a typical mistake. That being said, this isn’t always the case, and it may even work against you.