Wait.. What?! Social Media AFFECTS mental health!

Apple- attack

Wait. Let me just check my facebook… How many times have we heard this? And, on a daily basis? Yeah. WAY TOO MUCH. Social media is everywhere. It’s almost inescapable. Therefore, it should be no surprise that it affects the mental health of its users. But, how much is too much? And what about the safe viewing time? We’ll get into both points as we elaborate the detrimental consequences of social media on your mental health.

Social Media is AFFECTING you

Let’s be real. Social media has its benefits. You can stay connected to friends, post super-important and not-so-important updates to family and friends, and entertain yourself for hours. It’s literally the BEST.
But as much fun as social media may seem, there are some negative effects with consistent usage. Let’s get into it.

1. Problems with Impulse Control

Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling through your social media feed on your phone? All you want to do is watch short ‘funniest home videos’. It seems like it’s only been a few minutes. But, then you look at the clock and realize it’s been a few hours. Too much time on social media can affect your focus and impulse control. Which means it may be harder to concentrate and study for that big test tomorrow, when all you want to do is look at your phone. You wanna do something else but your phone doesn’t let you. Or worse, you don’t let yourself.

2. Fear of Missing Out or ‘FOMO’

You’re scrolling through your social media feed when you notice an exciting post from your friend. You suddenly feel anxious realizing an interesting event is happening somewhere and you’re missing out. This is often known as ‘FOMO’ or the ‘fear of missing out.’ Social media apps are constantly showing you the ‘best versions’ of people’s lives which are often filtered and selective. Because of this, you may think your friends are living a better life than you, and feel anxious that you’re missing out on these extreme experiences.
To be honest, you’re not missing out on anything. But, because you get all the updates from your friends and family, it can feel that way. Hence, another harmful consequence of social media.

3. Self-Esteem Issues

Do you struggle with low self-esteem after spending a good amount of time on social media? Even if you’re aware of photos being filtered or altered, the exposure to these photos can make some people feel insufficient. Well, most people feel this way after scrolling through Instagram or Snapchat. Excessive feelings of insecurity and discontentment can be caused due to frequent social media use.

4. Depression

Excessive social media use has been linked to anxiety and depression. A 2016 study in the U.S. found that those who only used social media every now were three times less likely to exhibit symptoms of depression than those who use social media frequently and excessively. The study states that: “[Social media] use was significantly associated with increased depression.”
There are a number of studies that prove this theory. Social media has been linked to both depression and anxiety no matter how much you use it.


5. Loneliness

Okay. Let’s be real. Who hasn’t felt lonely once in a while. Do you feel more lonely logging off from your social media account than you did logging in? Well, a 2018 study from the University of Pennsylvania found that the more time you spend on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, the more lonely you may feel. Their results indicated that if you lessen your social media use it can make you feel less isolated than you felt before.

Co-author of the study, Jordyn Young, stated that they “were actually able to prove a causal link between the two” Young explained, “meaning that if you use less social media, it will make you less depressed and less lonely. As opposed to just saying ‘if you use less [social media], you are more likely to be less depressed and less lonely.”

So while those five hours of Instagram may seem entertaining in the moment, it may just make you feel a bit more lonely long-term. Let’s start with cutting back 30 minutes a day? Sooner or later, just 10 or 20 minutes daily is all you’ll need.

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