Statement of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Intra-Afghan Negotiations

I warmly welcome the announcement regarding the commencement of Intra-Afghan Negotiations on 12 September 2020. Finally, our combined efforts have brought forth the day that the Afghan people have been yearning for.

For more than 40 years, Afghans have suffered from continued conflict and bloodshed. Pakistan has endured the fall-out — reflected in the incidence of terrorism, loss of precious lives, and huge economic cost.

I have underlined for a long time that there is no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and that the only way forward is a negotiated political settlement.

​Through relentless efforts, Pakistan has played a pivotal role in facilitating the Afghan peace process to this juncture. We feel deeply gratified today as we have fulfilled our part of the responsibility.

​It is now for the Afghan leaders to seize this historic opportunity, work together constructively, and secure an inclusive, broad-based, and comprehensive political settlement.

​The successful culmination of an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process is indispensable for Afghanistan and for regional peace, stability, and prosperity.

We hope all sides will honor their respective commitments, persevere in the face of all challenges, and remain unflinchingly committed to achieving the desired outcome.

​For its part, Pakistan will continue to remain in full support and solidarity with the Afghan people as they march forward in this consequential journey for peace and development.

PM noted that Pakistan has played a pivotal role in facilitating Afghan peace and in transpiring the dialogues. “We feel deeply gratified today as we have fulfilled our part of the responsibility.”

“Stakeholders must remain resolute in spite of the challenges.”

The PM asserted that the successful culmination of an “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process is indispensable for Afghanistan and for regional peace, stability, and prosperity”.

He ensured solidarity for Afghan peace and support the cause in its totality. “For its part, Pakistan will continue to remain in full support and solidarity with the Afghan people.”

The talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban will take place in Qatar’s capital Doha after a long wait and anticipation.

Qatar’s foreign ministry made the announcement on Thursday.