Unemployment: Tips and Advice to Stay Motivated


Unemployment: It is a very hard journey you are going through, Creating a more positive you take time and daily practice, so try to incorporate as many methods to help.
Rangeinn understands what you need; we are here to help you recover from this throbbing phase.

Keep a list of motivational quotes that inspire you; read them often, even several times daily. Write them on post-it notes and stick them around areas so you will see them often.

Learn to leave the past where it belongs in the past, continue to better things; a new job, new experiences, new people, and a new chapter. Dwelling in the past can lead to negative thoughts and a lack of optimism. Decide to live in the present with an eye focused on the future.

Self-talk yourself positive, don’t feel sorry for yourself, and don’t indulge yourself in pity parties.

Get excited about possibilities and how they can become a reality.

Make a list of things that you are grateful for right now in your life. We often forget to appreciate the good things that surround us.


Look in the mirror and look your best. Every day look your best, take care of your appearance and how you dress. When you look good, you feel better about yourself, which builds self-confidence.

Eat right and stay fit, when you look good on the outside it’s easier to feel good on the inside.

Avoid the energy vampires; you know the people that are full of drama, negativity, and drain your positive energy. Try avoiding these types of people, if they are close friends or family members; wear your garlic.

Positive and negative energy are both contagious so merely surround yourself with positive people.

Take note of people who overcame significant hardships and are thriving. Have you ever seen or read a story of someone with a significant disability and how they defeated it against all the odds. Look on the internet for these types of stories they will inspire you, during the painful phase of unemployment.

Don’t get cynical about a job you interviewed for that you did not land. Think of that interview as a practice to help you get the real dream job. Keep a list of things you identified that you could have done differently for future interviews.

De-clutter your surroundings and workspace. You need to carve out a space that you will perform your job search and make sure it is neat, organized, and surrounded with items that make you feel good; family photos, plants, works of art, your favorite scent, or whatever else that inspires you.


Music can have a very positive effect and dramatically change your mood. Create a playlist that makes you feel good, motivates you, and keeps you moving. Even singing can release stress, so go ahead, sing out loud to your favorite songs can heal the pain of employment.

Although you are going through the toughest part due to unemployment but Smile, be conscious, and make sure you smile at everyone you come in contact with. You will be amazed at how powerful a smile is, and the positive energy people will give back in your direction.

Turn off the news and don’t read the newspaper headlines. Over 80% of news media is negative, and during a job search, you have no time or need for this information. In the evening, instead of the nightly news watch your favorite sitcom.

A major cause of your sleeplessness is the trauma you are facing due to unemployment, but Get the recommended amount of sleep, a well-rested mind thinks clearer, but don’t overdo it and hibernate, being unemployed is not a season; you can’t sleep it off.

If you usually go to the gym, meditate, play sports, or do yoga keep doing these things; they can have a positive effect on you. Always consult with a physician on any fitness programs.

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