Stray Cat Enters Password to Unlock Doors of Stranger

Cats are smart animals. They know what they want and know how to get it – just like this stray cat in South Korea. It entered a stranger’s home every day by entering the door code. The homeowners said that the cat would enter their house by using the door code up to 20 times a day. It would even bully their dog, Thor. The wife would even try to shoo the stray feline away, however, it kept coming back. “He does that thing [unlocking the door]… like 20 times per day at the most. Whenever he’s awake, night and day. When he’s here, he won’t have to wake up when people are passing by. Just wanted to let him relax here, that’s all,” the family said, SVS TV reported. The cat even damaged the protective sheet that covered the door locking system with its paws.

Cat Dwae Bum:

Once the husband let the stray animal inside the house after hearing the beep sound from the door lock. He took care of the feline, brushed its fur, and played with it. The cat even knows how to exit the building. It later turned out that the wife was also fond of the cat, however, she was unable to show her affection to it because of their dog Thor. The couple eventually decided to adopt the cat and named it Dwae Bum. They ensured that they made Thor feel safe while they took care of Dwae Bum. The video left netizens in awe of Dwae Bum’s smartness. One user said, “This smart cat has not only chosen his humans but has taken over ownership of their apartment!” Another wrote, “This kitty has chosen you to be his human…what an honor…as long as Thor gets attention too, & keep the peace!”