Having trouble resolving disputes with your spouse? “Angry AI girlfriend,” ask

Having trouble resolving disputes with your spouse? "Angry AI girlfriend," ask

A new AI-powered chatbot software named AngryGF seems to be making waves on social media; it depicts the user’s girlfriend as being irate with them.

The Hindustan Times claims that the goal of this chatbot is to instruct users on how to resolve disputes with their female partners.

Emilia Aviles, one of the co-founders of the app, stated to Dazed that it is “designed to help users handle relationship conflicts with their partners, especially girlfriends or wives.”

How does AngryGF work?

According to Dazed, the gamers are shown a variety of circumstances that are associated with a “forgiveness level”.

The goal is to settle down and get a forgiveness level of 100 with your irate female companion. The game is ended if the level falls to 0.

The AI partner’s attitude will vary depending on various tries and phrases spoken; according to Aviles, suitable words will elevate her mood and raise her level of forgiveness, while wrong ones can lower it.

According to Aviles, AngryGF’s gamified approach enables users to acquire and hone crucial relationship skills in a fun and dynamic way.

Soon after, others expressed their amazement at the app on social media.

“The angry girlfriend app, AngryGF AI, is available! I’m surprised by this. Does this mean you’ll be a good partner for women? Someone posted on X, the old name for Twitter.

Another person said, “It appears that this will have the opposite effect from what was intended.”