Not even a smartphone or the internet? This cutting-edge, AI-powered basic phone has got you covered

This cutting-edge, AI-powered basic phone has got you covered

Recently, Nigerian mobile phone provider Viamo, located in Canada, introduced a ground-breaking artificial intelligence (AI) service that anybody may use without an internet connection.

This program has benefited people like Kehinde Olutubosun, a visually challenged geography and animal enthusiast from Nigeria who previously had trouble finding information since he didn’t have a smartphone.

The service functions similarly to an AI chatbot and sends orders or information requests via voice calls or short messaging service (SMS) by using a regular handset to connect to local mobile phone networks.

Because it is affordable and can be operated by voice command, even those without formal education may use it with ease.

“For people who are not that financially buoyant, they still have this opportunity to use even as little as 10 naira to ask lots of questions that will actually benefit them, I am so happy,” Olutubosun added.

The gadget was originally introduced in Zambia and, according to the manufacturer, is being expanded to Pakistan, India, and Tanzania. It is intended for the world’s poorest and most isolated people.

Development organizations from the US and the UK are among those who fund Viamo.

Furthermore, Viamo and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) have teamed to offer information on HIV, tropical illnesses, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene.