Find out which fruit to consume at what time of the day and their benefits.

Food background. Assortment of colorful ripe tropical fruits. Top view
Fruits are nature’s dessert; sweet enough to satiate your sugar cravings and healthy enough to add beneficial nutrients to your body. They are a source of minerals, vitamins and fibres allow body to stay active. Eating fruit on its own, it is vital for us to consume them in some form or the other.
Compiled from News 18, find out which fruit to consume at what time of the day and their benefits.
Empty stomach in the morning
This is the perfect time to consume fruit that will help with your digestive system. It’s best to eat fruits that are high in fibres. Fruits like watermelon, papayas, guavas, mangoes, pomegranates, and bananas are extremely fibrous and an added benefit would be that they help relieve constipation.
Any form of fruit in the morning is very beneficial. Fruits contain healthy carbohydrates that provide energy. Best job performed by pineapple, cherry, kiwi, strawberries, and apples. Pineapple and cherry help regulate blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease. Kiwis and strawberries serve to boost your immunity. Apples loses the belly fat.
According to nutritionists, fruits that contain high levels of sugar are most suitable for the afternoon. By this point, our bodies begin tiring down which is why they require a boost of energy. This can be achieved by eating high-sugar fruits that help raise blood sugar levels. Mangoes and bananas will provide you with the energy.
Pre-workout fruits must give you that instant boost of energy you need to work hard in the gym. Fruits that are a rich source of energy include apples, oranges and pears that can help you get through a killer workout.
Don’t use fruits at night. Pineapple, avocados and kiwis are just some fruits that are most beneficial to be consumed at night.