The most common makeup mistakes people do and how to avoid them

The most common makeup mistakes people do and how to avoid them

Whether you are getting ready for your work day or heading out for the night, makeup is important and usually part of the preparation process. However, despite the frequency of its use, makeup can still be very very confusing. There are so many products in markets and it’s hard to know what products are best to use or which ones you should be buying, not to mention how to use them appropriately.

In this article, not only will you learn the common mistakes you are making, but you will also learn how to fix them.

Picking the wrong colour foundation

Your foundation is supposed to blend in with your skin. Picking the wrong colour foundation will highlight the fact that you are wearing makeup, and also cheapen the overall look.

No moisturizer before makeup

Dry skin will make your makeup flaky. Make sure to moisturize your skin before makeup, even if it can be used as a primer.

Stretching your eye for the perfect wing

Pulling and stretching your eyes can damage sensitive skin and, moreover, create a very uneven line. Instead, use tape to create the perfect wing.

Apply blush too low

Blush is supposed to be applied to the apples of your cheeks and blended back on the cheekbones. however, many put it lower. This can cause your skin to age and make your face look overdone and clownish.

Testing foundation on your wrist

Your wrist color should match your skin tone. Test your foundation on your jawline or neck to find the right match and blend.

Overwashing your face

Washing your face properly is necessary; it will help keep your skin healthy and blemish-free. However, make sure not to overwash your face, because it will strip your face of its natural oil and create dewy, flaky skin.

Putting on makeup in bad lighting

Putting on makeup in bad lighting can create a completely different or worse look when you step out into natural light. Try to do makeup near windows to ensure you can see your makeup in natural light.

Too much brow makeup

Although strong eyebrows are fashionable at the moment, there is such a thing as going overboard. Use little strokes to fill in the sparse areas rather than filling in the entire brow. It will produce a more organic appearance.

Keeping your mascara too long

Try not to buy expensive mascara; most mascara has a shelf life of about four months. It will stop working after four months, and it also becomes susceptible to bacteria.

Wearing waterproof mascara every day

Waterproof mascara is great for special occasions like weddings and pool parties, but it shouldn’t be used every day. Your lashes will become parched from the treatment, and the additional scrubbing required to remove them may exacerbate the condition.

Putting bronzer all over your face

Many of us apply additional bronzer to add to that healthy glow because we wish we looked tanner than we actually are. Regretfully, if you use too much bronzer, all you’ll look like is orange. Apply bronzer only to the areas of your face that would naturally receive sunlight, such as the hairline and the tops of your cheeks.

Bad blending

If you haven’t blended your makeup correctly, it won’t seem natural or good, even if you have all the necessary tones. Purchase brushes and sponges, then study tutorials to learn the optimal techniques for blending every aspect of your appearance.

Sleeping in your makeup

Leaving makeup on overnight can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make with your skin. Remove your makeup before bed to ensure that your face remains clear and healthy.