The last 10 years of my life have taught me what to carry in your purse while going out. I used to keep a lot of unnecessary stuff with me. Later, I learned only to keep important things in your bag and nothing else. There is a long list that goes like;
To begin with, a deodorant is a must have. No matter what the season is, carry it with you. You will obviously not want yourself to stink. So, a deodorant would save you from smelling bad.
If you don’t want to look pale after eating-out, a lipstick is a savior. Another thing to always in keep in your purse. If it fades even a little, you just take it out and refresh!
How am I looking right now? Do I need to wash my face or comb my hair? Is my make-up in place? A pocket mirror would definitely help lessen your worries! Keep it in with you wherever you go. So, you’ll know how pretty or horrible you are looking at the moment.
A power bank is the next on the list. Whenever your device needs a recharge, you just pull it out of your bag and BOOM! Your phone is on charge! It is better to carry than a mobile charger. You always have to look for a socket first to plug in your charger. But if you have a power bank, no worries then!
A small brush/comb is also a must-have, at least that’s what I felt. Hair greatly contribute to your good-looks. If they are not well-combed/brushed, how would you look nice?
And last but not the least and the most important things, your phone and wallet. To have cash-in-hand is mandatory while going out, also your phone. You must have enough balance on your mobile to contact your family in emergency. Must have an efficient amount of cash in your wallet, always.
There is a long list actually, but when in a hurry, these would be enough.

I am an introvert who has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I like to view the world with an optimistic eye.