10 Tips to Boost Your Confidence


Confidence is so personal. It’s about how you feel from the inside and then what you showcase to the world. When you actually feel good, is the time when you start exhibiting how you’re feeling, in the way you carry yourself.
Here are ten tips on how you can boost your confidence level and show off as a self-assured person to others. Some things are those that you can do right now and away, while some would need some extra work and conscious effort from your side. So we’ll start off with the easy ones.

Sit Straight

Keeping your back straight is perhaps the biggest favor you do to your body. And yeah, I’m guilty of always​ having a slouchy posture but I’m trying. It wasn’t long ago that I was going through an article about good body postures. In it, they explained how slouching over is such a defeated pose. Whereas, if you’re​ sitting straight and open, people perceive you as a much confident individual. They would want to approach and talk to you more often and hence you’ll have more chances of making new friends.
So the next time, you see yourself stooping your head out of your shoulders, remind yourself to sit taller because you’re a boss!


I feel as I’ve grown older, my reason for exercising and getting into physical activity has changed drastically. Initially, I used to exercise to become thin and have a slim waist and lean legs, because of societal conditioning. Whereas now, exercising to me is just letting my toxins out through sweat. Trust me, now I don’t even get tired after exercise as I used to in the past. Now I feel much more energized and confident. And you are what you feel, right? So if you’re more of a couch potato and don’t really exercise and stuff, please do. You’ll feel great!

Compliment Yourself

This will do wonders. Go, stand in front of a mirror. See what you hate about yourself. Look closely. Did you find anything? You will, for sure. Is this something you’re least proud of out of your appearance? Start appreciating it. In no time you’d be more accepting of your flaws. Once you accept them, people around you will be no one to tell you how bad your flaws make you seem and they’ll accept them too. You’d stop caring about people’s opinions about you. Always remember, that your opinions about yourself are the only ones that really  matter.

Compliment Others

It feels so good. Trust me. This also ensures that you are more on the giving side, with your generosity and bigheartedness. Also, this makes others feel good about themselves which makes them happy. And seeing others happy makes you happy which heaves your self-esteem and confidence. Yes, happiness really is that contagious!
So the next time you meet someone, always make sure to give them an admiring remark. You’ll have an awesome day.

Explore Your Talents

Do what you can, to know what you can do. Not only does it make you a useful person but knowing you’re capable of doing something in life, can greatly improve your confidence level. Also, here’s what I heard from somewhere. Know something about everything and everything about something. It’ll take you a long way.

Be Yourself

The world is in dire need of YOU. Your journey towards attaining confidence starts when you decide to be yourself. You don’t have to be pretentious. You just don’t need to, trust me. Plus, it’s better to be hated for being yourself than being loved for someone that you’re not.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

People who appreciate you for what you’re doing are the kind of people you want to be with. Appreciation plays such a vital role in shaping you as a person and retaining self-assurance. And getting it from the people you’re around and close to, brings that bar of confidence a thousand notches up. So the next time, you sit with someone who makes you feel like a more empowered person, don’t let them go. Ever.

Read about Feng Shui here.

Write a Journal

Record everything you do. Good, bad, worst. EVERYTHING. Two, three maybe ten, twenty years down the road, when you open that journal and flip some pages back, you’ll realize how you’ve grown as a person. It’ll be such a pumper for your confidence in the long run. Also, it’s a proven fact that writing a journal also makes you a better writer.

Work towards Self-improvement

You can take the horse to water but can’t make it drink it. Nobody can enhance what you already have until you’re not willing to do so. Observe yourself (maybe microscopically), see what your shortcomings are, what makes you lag behind, and work towards improving them. Knowing that you tried working towards achieving something is better than lifelong regrets, believe it or not.

Here’s the best advice people’s therapists gave them.


If you don’t do any of the above, just do this. Not only will you feel positive but also, people will perceive you as a positive individual. They start liking you more because there are supposedly much fewer people who are confident enough to show off their beautiful smiles. Remember, happy people, are the most attractive ones!

Intrigued about smiles? Read this.

We’d love to know if you have any tips to fuel self-confidence. Drop them in the comments section.