To ease tensions, Jilani speaks with his Iranian counterpart

To ease tensions, Jilani speaks with his Iranian counterpart

A pivotal diplomatic exchange between Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Iranian equivalent, and acting foreign minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Friday marked a major turning point in the recent escalation of relations between Pakistan and Iran.

Jilani emphasized the value of mutual trust and cooperation, particularly in the area of security, and stated Pakistan’s commitment to promoting partnership with Iran, according to a brief statement released by the foreign office.

When Iran launched a missile assault against what it described as hardline Sunni Muslim militants in Balochistan’s Pangur area, which borders Iran, earlier this week, tensions increased. Pakistan launched airstrikes against militant separatists within Iranian territory in retaliation, the first time this has happened since the 1980–1988 Iran–Iraq war.

According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, Tehran and Islamabad both quickly realized that tensions needed to be reduced because a full-scale conflict was very likely. According to a previous report by The Express Tribune, Pakistan sent Iran a message of reconciliation after retaliating with strikes, underlining that it did not want to escalate the situation further.

Important regional actors, including China, Russia, and Turkey, actively engaged in diplomatic attempts to prevent further escalation, which proved crucial in defusing the crisis. In a late-night statement on Thursday, the Iranian foreign ministry underlined its determination to maintain strong neighborly relations with Pakistan and stated that it would not permit outside forces to put strain on the long-standing relationship.

Pakistani officials warily saw the Tehran speech as a good sign—the first suggestion that Iran was willing to heal fences with its neighbor. Diplomatic sources disclosed that the region’s powerful nations’ covert actions were instrumental in convincing Iran and Pakistan to retreat from the verge of war.

Although Pakistani authorities continue to express cautious optimism about the de-escalation, worries about the possibility of future conflict persist. The severity of the issue is highlighted by Pakistan’s recent well-coordinated and targeted strikes on terrorist hideouts within Iranian territory.