For every anime, there is a generation that is sparked with a connection to it. For the genre being alive since the early 1970s, it has been capturing viewers and long-time fans ever since; and it continues to do so with newly-produced anime. While the newest anime still serve a great purpose in leaving people wanting more, the anime made 10, 20, or even 30 years ago are still incredible to this day.
In this list, we have reviewed the best anime that has aired since the debut of the genre. Many of these shows have been produced within the past two decades; so you’ll get some nostalgia if you were the one tuning in on a Saturday morning to watch some of these. If you’re interested in some more gritty features, check out our latest review of the best fighting anime. Nevertheless, get yourself set in to see the best anime ever made.
1. Death Note
2. Naruto
3. Attack On Titan