UAE citizenship plan sparks debate

The United Arab Emirates announced that Emirati nationality will now be officially attainable for foreigners, in a major first for the Gulf state.
The move is a significant change in direction for a country whose economy relies heavily on expatriates, For whom residency is typically contingent on their employment visas.
The UAE passport will be offered to selected foreigners and professionals including “investors, doctors, specialists, inventors, scientists, talents, intellectuals, artists, and their families,” according to the announcement.

Analysts and other Emiratis commenting in local media and online viewed the change as a milestone that will allow further economic and financial gains.

But while the UAE seeks to boost its economic recovery with citizenship and other initiatives, Sheikha Jawaher was not the only person to cautiously note that the changes might give expatriates a route to citizenship that is not automatically available to the children of Emirati women.

UAE in Dispute

In a Twitter post on the same day as the announcement, Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi alluded to the fact that Emirati women don’t have the same right to automatically pass on citizenship to their children as Emirati men do. “Naturalization of the children of female citizens. That’s a demand,” she wrote. “Employment for Emirati citizens. That’s a demand.”

Her husband is the ruler of Sharjah, one of the UAE’s seven emirates and she heads the Supreme Council for Family Affairs there. later In a tweet, she emphasized her remarks on various topics on Twitter were not meant to be taken as criticism of the government. Her office confirmed it was her personal Twitter account but declined to comment further on the topic.

Family stability and social cohesion are of utmost importance to the UAE leadership, a UAE government official said in response.

Moreover, The government is always keen to integrate individuals born to Emirati mothers; and foreign fathers and see them contribute to the country’s development and prosperity, the official added.

In the UAE, children born to Emirati women and foreign men are allowed to seek citizenship but it’s not automatic. By contrast, children born to local men and foreign women receive citizenship at birth. The situation is similar in many Middle Eastern nations, where efforts to broaden citizenship rights have met resistance.

The UAE government allows children born to Emirati mothers; and foreign fathers to apply for UAE citizenship when they turn 18; while their mothers are entitled to apply for citizenship on their behalf; if the child has lived in the country for at least six years, the government official said. Thousands of people born under these circumstances have been granted UAE citizenship over the past few years, the official added.

Some accused the government of selling the country’s birthright. Others said granting foreigners the same rights as locals put Emiratis’ future at risk. Open criticism of government policy is rare in the UAE.

Citizenship is a fraught issue in Gulf nations; where foreigners from all walks of life make up a large segment of the population; and where nationals benefit from a generous welfare system.