Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is the most common way of living adopted nowadays by people, especially young ones. It is a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity at all. A person living a sedentary lifestyle may also be referred to as a couch potato. They are always sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day. An unhealthy or healthy style of living affects a lot on your health i.e.: the healthier the standards of living, the healthier you and your body, and vice versa. But a sedentary lifestyle falls into the category of an unhealthy lifestyle, hence, bad health. This type of lifestyle often leads to various health issues including obesity.


Obesity is the bloating of the body due to sitting or lying down the whole day long. Another factor that causes obesity is eating junk food or simply, having an unhealthy diet intake. Sitting in front of television or gadgets all day and watching mouth-watering advertisements of fast foods, chips and biscuits make people want to eat them. These types of foods do not make them feel fuller and so they eat erratically. This can be controlled by having a healthy intake such as green vegetables- they play a major role in controlling obesity.


Lack of physical activities or no activity at all is another factor that counts in the very same walk of life. People who don’t have any physical activity as a part of their daily routine are found to be lazy as compared to those who at least have a little walk daily. Playing outdoor games, going to the gym, walking 10-15 minutes daily, or even skipping a rope can help in keeping your body active. The more you keep active  and working, the more you will be fighting health issues like obesity.


Sleeping right after having your meal is also a major factor that develops corpulence. Many people nowadays have a habit of eating and sleeping right away. It does not let the food get digested properly. You should work or walk as much as you eat. If you intake more and work less then it will will result in obesity. Attempt to make sure that whatever you eat is healthy and nutritional. Try avoiding junk food and added sugar intake as it is only going to make you more obese and it can later become the cause of health deterioration which can further lead to fatal diseases or death.

To conclude my article, I would like to sum up some points that may help you to control or reduce obesity. You must:
1. Eat green vegetables.
2. Add a little workout or some physical pursuit to your standards of living.
3. Stay hydrated always; drink 8-12 glasses of water on a daily basis.
4. Avoid or reduce junk food and added sugar intake.
5. Try replacing your junk food intake with fruits.
6. Make an effort to sit less and walk more.
7. Choose wisely between full-of-calorie foods and energy-providing foods.