The nominations of Justices Aamer Farooq and Athar Minallah to the Supreme Court were approved by a parliamentary committee.

The Committee also approved Justice Aamer Farooq’s nomination to the Supreme Court, meaning he will succeed outgoing Chief Justice Athar Minallah. Those two esteemed judges’ names were added to those of two additional justices to elevate all four to the highest court were endorsed by Pakistan’s Judicial Commission (JCP). But the eight-member non-partisan group, led by Grand Democratic Party doctor Fehmida Mirza,


Alliance (GDA), unexpectedly put off deciding whether or not to implement JCP’s recommendation with regards to the two commend the judges for their promotion to the highest court in the land.


The promotions of Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi to the Supreme Court and Justice Shahid Waheed to the Lahore High Court We’ll think about appealing from the Sindh High Court (SHC) to the Supreme Court “down the road.” Just five of the committee’s eight members, including Dr. Fehmida Mirza, showed up to work on Friday.


Senators Muhammad Azam Khan Swati and Muhammad Asim Nazir. Ahmed, Rana Maqbool, and Ahmed, Sarfaraz Bugti. Rana Sanaullah Khan, the Minister of the Interior, was unable to attend, and neither were Senator Farooq Hamid Nack or Syed Naveed Qamar. Professional lawyers were taken aback when the agenda item was called for an emergency meeting on November 10 and the other two recommendations were dropped.


The nomination of Senior Puisne Judge Justice Aamer Farooq to the position of chief justice of the IHC was approved by the Judicial Commission of Pakistan (JCP) on November 1. Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Atta Bandial presided over the JCP meeting at which the appointment of IHC’s CJ was discussed.


Justices of the Supreme Court, the Minister of Law Ayaz Sadiq, the Attorney General of Pakistan Ashtar Ausaf Ali, members of the Pakistan Bar Council, and others were present at the meeting.


The JCP makes nominations for judicial appointments and confirmations under Article 175-A of the Constitution, with the backing of the Parliamentary Committee on Judges Appointment. Meanwhile, at their meeting on October 24th, the JCP unanimously accepted Justice Athar Minallah’s promotion to the Supreme Court.