Why are we afraid to Fail?


Failure is the state when we don’t achieve our desired or expected results. There is no specific definition of failure the criteria are related to our belief system. In other words, failure is not a step back, it’s the stepping stone that sets new goals and objectives to achieve. There is nothing like a complete failure there are always some components of success in every failed attempt to achieve one’s goals.

Is Failure the Key to Success?

Failure gives the sense of pain which is one of the most persuasive sensation humans possesses. But on the other hand, it gives you the power to rise again with more logical strength. Learning from mistakes, improving in small steps to increase the chances of winning next time. Keep moving ahead and keep trying new ways of doing things, and most important is not to give up.

If we start with a thought that we will fail we are already a failure. Start a journey keeping its end in mind. But this doesn’t mean that the end will be according to our expectations the whole journey is about reaching that end. It’s better to try and fail rather than not trying at all.

All successful people have failed multiple times before becoming successful, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Jack Ma, Elon Musk, and the list goes on. Keeping all this in mind we can say “YES” failure is the key to success.

Law of Wasted Efforts.

All the non-successful attempts are known as Law of wasted efforts. Success and Failure are only measured by human beings whereas other living beings in nature as animals and trees respond to it very differently.

  • Lions, the most dangerous animal in the jungle are able to successfully hunt only a quarter of the time that means they actually fail hunting attempts 75% and succeed only 25% of the time. Despite all those failed attempts, they don’t stop hunting.
  • Half of the eggs fish lay are eaten.
  • Half of the seeds of trees are eaten by the birds.
  • Most of the rain falls into the ocean.
  • Most of the seeds sown into the soil doesn’t grow.

Scientists have found that forces of nature are more receptive to the Law of Wasted Efforts. The truth is we only fail when we stop trying.

Accepting Failure.

We are not afraid to fail. Actually, it is that we are afraid of the disappointment and rejection we have to face after a non-successful attempt. In our hearts and mind, we fear that we will not be accepted by our parents, friends, partner, or colleagues. We need to change our mind-set. Take time to recover and bounce back with full force. Failure will hurt but not trying again will hurt even more.

“The one who fails and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. So don’t fear failure but rather fear not trying” – Paulo Coelho.