Why do people overreact?

In this world, the human population is approximately 7 billion. Among this, there are several people with different behaviors. Every person, based on the behavior, differs from others. These behavioral variations depend on how strong someone’s mind is. Some people have a stable mind, whereas, others don’t. To overreact is also a behavioral attitude.

People possessing a stable mind behave properly to the situation. The people having a weak mind face problems reacting to the situations. Here comes an answer to the question; why people overreact? People overreact when they are happy, sad, and sorrowful or excited, all at the extremes. This happens because they don’t know how to react and as a result, they end up overreacting.

This mostly takes place where people, at a certain time of life, have been stopped to react at things. They have not been allowed to bring out their emotions properly. As a result of which, they couldn’t practice how to express their feelings. And when they get to finally express their emotions, they over-do it.