The per tola gold price witnessed an increase of Rs450 to Rs115,100 in the domestic market. Likewise, the rate of 10-gram gold also increased by Rs300 to Rs98,679, according to the All Pakistan Jewelers Association. Meanwhile, gold prices in the international market rose as the dollar slipped. Spot gold climbed 0.4% to $1,951.13 per ounce, […]
New Zealand is in its deepest recession in decades, following strict measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which were widely praised. The country’s GDP shrank by 12.2% between April and June as the lockdown and border closures hit. It is New Zealand’s first recession since the global financial crisis and its worst since 1987 […]
Microsoft has said that its offer to buy the US operations of hugely popular video-sharing app TikTok has been rejected, paving the way for Oracle to make a last-minute bid. US President Donald Trump gave a 15 September deadline for the Chinese-owned app to sell or shut down. The Trump administration claims TikTok and other […]
ISLAMABAD: Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh has directed the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to clear all income tax refund claims of up to Rs50 million in the next couple of weeks while a clear road map and strategy may be adopted for the release of remaining refunds. […]
WASHINGTON: Despite some signs of recovery, the global economy faces continued challenges, including the possibility of a second wave of Covid-19, and governments should keep their support programs in place, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief, Kristalina Georgieva said on Thursday. Activity “has started to gradually strengthen… But we are not out of the woods yet,” […]
International tourism faces its worst crisis since records began, with up to 1.1bn fewer people taking trips globally in 2020. The scale of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact is outlined in a report by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which predicts a decline in international arrivals of between 58% and 80% this year. This is due […]