The incident comes as a chilling reminder of the 2012 Delhi Gang Rape case. In this incident a 23-year-old female medical student was severely assaulted and gang-raped by five men and a juvenile inside a moving bus in South Delhi. A woman passenger was allegedly gang-raped inside a running bus for the entire night on […]
Attacks against small towns, big cities, and the contractors who run their voting systems. Federal officials are fearing that hackers will try to sow chaos around the election. Many of the attacks are conducted by Russian criminal groups, some with shady ties to President Vladimir V. Putin’s intelligence services. But the attack on Tyler Technologies, […]
NEW DELHI- Forty-four Indian banks have been flagged in connection with transactions by Indian entities and individuals in a set of Suspicious Activity filed by US banks with the watchdog agency, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). A report of FinCEN reveals that 44 Indian banks – public, private, and foreign – were flagged for […]
Saudi Arabia has announced health protocols to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus cases in the 2020 Umrah season, which is due to start from October 4, Sunday. Saudi Arabian Hajj and Umrah ministry, the pilgrims have to seek permission letter prior to performing Umrah from the authorities. The pilgrims are bound to get […]
Violence flares up in Nagorno-Karabakh, with militaries from both sides accusing each other for the major escalation. Armenia has declared martial law. Armeniaordered its military to mobilise after a major flare-up in violence with Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. Heavy fighting between the two arch-foes broke out on Sunday. They blamed each other for […]
A man suspected of injuring two people with a meat cleaver in Paris. He has admitted to deliberately targeting the former offices of the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine. The suspect reportedly linked his actions to the magazine’s recent republication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Charlie Hebdo did this as a trial over the 2015 […]
Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Friday sent out a stern warning to all employees, pointing them to a brand new settlement between the corporate and shareholders who alleged it did not respond appropriately to the allegations sexual misconduct and harassment. ”I hope these commitments serve as a strong signal to all of you […]
US Banks Red-Flagged 44 Indian Banks for Suspicious Transactions Between 2011 and 2017. Forty-four Indian banks have been flagged in connection with transactions by Indian entities and individuals in a set of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by US banks with the agency, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). FinCEN files investigation identified more than […]
Ukraine: At least 22 people including military cadets were killed and two others were seriously injured on Friday when a Ukrainian air force plane crashed near Kharkiv in the east of the country, the interior ministry said. Deputy Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko confirmed the death toll to the local TV channel, describing the incident as […]
A South Korean official has been shot dead and burned by North Korean troops, the South’s defense ministry said, condemning the “brutal act”. Seoul said the man, who worked for the fisheries department, disappeared from a patrol boat near the border and was later found in the North’s waters. North Korean soldiers shot him, then […]