This update comes shortly after a similar feature was introduced for Android devices. Now, WhatsApp users can share images, videos, GIFs, text, and voice messages via status updates from any linked device. According to the latest WhatsApp beta for Mac version 24.11.73, available on the TestFlight app, beta testers can now post status updates directly […]
Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled robots appear to have begun their quest to surpass humans, as evidenced by the Guinness World Record that was recently set in Japan by one such machine that solved a Rubik’s Cube. The robot TOKUI Fast Accurate Synchronized Motion Testing Robot reportedly broke the previous record by solving the puzzle in just […]
China’s national space agency said on Tuesday that the Chang’e-6 probe has begun its journey back towards Earth after taking off from the moon’s far side. China is getting closer to being the first nation to return samples from the far side of the moon, which is always facing away from Earth, thanks to the […]
A group of scientists from China and Switzerland has worked together to create a neuromorphic chip that simulates the neurons and synapses found in the human brain, while also being energy-efficient. Even though the human brain can process very complex and large neural networks, it uses only 20 watts of power overall, which is much […]
PakSat MM-1, Pakistan’s second communication satellite, was launched into orbit on Thursday from China’s Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC). Dr Khurram Khurshid, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department at the Institute of Space Technology (IST), said it would provide communication services. The satellite will provide communication services like broadband internet, TV broadcasting, media, and telecommunication. […]
The sixth generation iPod Touch is now officially considered “vintage,” while the iPhone 5s is now officially considered a “obsolete” product by Cupertino-based tech giant Apple. Due to this development, hardware services and repairs for the iPhone 5s will no longer be provided by Apple Authorized Service Providers or Apple Stores. As per Apple policy, […]
The massive US search engine Google experienced a worldwide outage on Friday following complaints from millions of users about issues with the services, according to Daily Mail. Around 8 a.m. ET, Down Detector began to display faults as users worldwide were experiencing difficulty. According to the publication, 63% of users are having trouble using the […]
The Japanese engineers have created a unique satellite that is made of unexpected materials instead of aluminum, copper, or any other metal. A wooden satellite to orbit Earth has been constructed by experts at Kyoto University and Tokyo logging company Sumitomo Forestry, according to the Japan Times. It will be launched in September of this […]
Pakistan launched PAKSAT MM-1, its second communication satellite, on Thursday to strengthen its digital communication infrastructure. The Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in China sent the satellite into orbit, and it is scheduled to land at the height of 36,000 kilometres above Earth. The five-ton satellite has the newest communication technology installed. According to Suparco, […]
Pakistan is preparing to launch its second satellite, called ‘PAKSAT MM1,’ on Thursday, May 30. This communication satellite is designed to improve TV broadcasts, mobile phone services, and internet connectivity across the country. The satellite will be launched from China’s XiChang Satellite Launch Centre. This project represents a significant technological partnership between China and Pakistan. […]