WhatsApp’s updated privacy policy has left many users confused regarding the new rules of the app. Khilji, who is also a director of the digital rights organization Bolo Bhi, said that one-to-one conversations between users will “remain encrypted”. However, he explained WhatsApp will now provide “some information” to its parent company Facebook. Khilji said WhatsApp […]
;While 2020 can termed a hazardous year for most sectors of the economy, it has phenomenal for steering digitalization and giving a boost to e-commerce in Pakistan. Following the Covid-19 outbreak in Pakistan in late February, many businesses began implementing work-from-home models and a majority found it a viable option. Around mid-March, the government announced […]
China has launched an antitrust investigation into Alibaba Group and will summon the technology giant’s Ant Group affiliate to meet in the coming days, regulators said on Thursday, in the latest blow for Jack Ma’s e-commerce and financial technology empire. The investigation is part of an accelerating crackdown on monopolistic behavior in China’s booming internet […]
Microsoft Corp says it found malicious software in its systems related to an enormous hacking campaign disclosed by officials in the United States this week, adding a top technology target to a growing list of attacked government agencies. The Redmond, Washington-based company is a user of Orion, the widely deployed networking management software from SolarWinds […]
NEW DELHI: With Americans, Britons, and Canadians rolling up their sleeves to receive coronavirus vaccines, the route out of the pandemic now seems clear to many in the West, even if the rollout will take many months. But for poorer countries, the road will be far longer and rougher. The ambitious initiative known as COVAX […]
Hackers broke into the networks of the Treasury and Commerce Departments as part of a months-long global cyber espionage campaign revealed Sunday, just days after the prominent cyber security firm FireEye said it had been breached in an attack that industry experts said bore the hallmarks of Russian tradecraft. In response to what may be […]
Microsoft Teams is going to lose compatibility with Internet Explorer 11 from November 30 (today). It will stop working for millions of people across the world. Microsoft Teams, the very popular web conferencing service, is going to stop working on Internet Explorer 11 from today (November 30). So, if you have been using Microsoft Teams […]
The First-ever fastest 5G video call experiment has carried out successfully in Pakistan on Wednesday. Federal Minister of IT and Telecommunication Syed Aminul Haque using high-speed internet made a 5G video call to Beijing and enjoyed the best quality of video and audio. Pakistan’s 1st ever #5G International Experimental video call The First ever fastest […]
The Orange Metro Line Train (OLMT) has officially kicked off at the inaugural ceremony held on October 25, 2020, at Dera Gujran. The OLMT is the first electricity run mass transit project with many automatic systems to facilitate the common people. The fare of OLMT is set at PKR 40 to facilitate residents. It will […]