Eid 2025 Special Trains & Fare Regulations Announced
Eidul Fitr 2025 is expected to be observed across Pakistan on Monday, March 31, 2025, following the completion of 29 days of Ramadan
The move comes as a relief measure for the passengers traveling to their native areas during Eidul Fitr 2025.
As per details, the Sindh transport authorities have been instructed to regulate fares and prevent any illegal fare hikes. The DIG Traffic and the commissioners have been ordered to take immediate action against violators.
Sharjeel Memon warned that strict action would be taken against those found guilty of overcharging passengers. He also urged the public to report any incidents of fare overcharging.
Pakistan Railways to operate four special trains on Eid ul Fitr
Meanwhile, Railways Minister Hanif Abbasi, last week, announced that Pakistan Railways will operate four special trains to facilitate passengers during Eidul Fitr 2025.
He was addressing the media in Islamabad outside the Parliament House.
Hanif Abbasi stated that Pakistan Railways will offer a 20per cent special discount to passengers traveling on Eidul Fitr 2025.
Millions of commuters travel from megacities to their hometowns on Eid, leading to increased demand for transport. While private transporters hike fares, many passengers prefer trains for a comfortable journey with families and children.
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