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Agent Anila, played by Meera Jee, is trying to spread a virus, but the movie’s trailer is the real illness

Agent Anila, played by Meera Jee, is trying to spread a virus

Meera Jee’s forthcoming film, Agent Anila, is lacking in breathtaking action sequences, flawless acting, flawless sound design, and jaw-dropping computer graphics. But if someone is bold enough to sum up Qasim Panhwar’s gift in a single sentence, “deliciously disastrous” is what comes to mind.

We’re all guilty of looking for movies that are so ridiculously bad that they really turn out to be kind of fun. If the teaser is any indication, Agent Anila might be able to fulfill that role. It might be the next Chain Aye Na, at worst.

The teaser features it all: hollow tin sounds for gunshots, an explosion that would embarrass even the most accomplished computer-generated artist, and Meera Jee bragging about her gang’s global reach. Additionally, there are action scenes filmed from a lower perspective, giving the impression that someone is getting whooped. If one decided to see this movie, which opens on June 21 this year, perhaps that would be what one would deserve.

Hey, don’t just believe us when we say this. Many others appear to be equally fascinated by and horrified by the peculiarities in the movie. For example, Fasi Zaka posted a dramatic and, one assumes, intended to be an impacting clip from the movie on X, adding, “Just because of this brilliant scene, I think I will be watching this film twice on the day of its release.” “Only dunking my head in a barrel full of meth could make me watch this,” was the response from a less polite X user.

Although the video may not require extreme drunkenness to view, it is still unclear how the project made it through multiple clearance stages. “Fire animations scream fake, firing and fighting actions lame,” a user on X correctly wondered. Why can’t anyone see all the ridiculous things from the production stage to the release stage, I wonder.”

Still, that’s not all! Agent Anila wants to collaborate with her team to spread a virus in a world still recovering from the catastrophic destruction caused by COVID-19. The rationale for this is a mystery, and it’s not quite alluring enough to make people want to buy tickets. But if you’re courageous enough to accept this challenge, just be aware of what you’re getting yourself into. Wishing you luck.
