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A secret Easter egg is found by a Cyberpunk 2077 gamer after 700 hours of playtime

A secret Easter egg is found by a Cyberpunk 2077 gamer after 700 hours of playtime

Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 is so large that it is almost difficult to finish all of its content in one game.

Playing the game more than once to fully experience everything is encouraged as different dialogue and events are brought about by your choices and actions.

Furthermore, a lot of secret missions and hidden side activities aren’t indicated on the in-game map, which makes it easy for gamers to overlook them.

After 700 hours of gaming, Redditor Earlchaos uncovered one such secret feature: the protagonist V in Pacifica may ride a rollercoaster.

Located near the beach behind the Grand Imperial Mall in Coastview, this attraction is a part of the covert “Love Rollercoaster” side project.

Players must talk to Anel, a character by the rollercoaster station, to begin this task. Anel wants assistance fixing the automobile.

Players can access the rollercoaster ride once they have scanned and fixed the control panel.

This finding emphasizes how intricate and detailed CD Projekt Red’s Night City is, and how even prolonged playtime might uncover new material.

Explore the world outside of the main plot to find secret missions and attractions like the “Love Rollercoaster” rollercoaster.
