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Various Foods That Contain Amost No Calories

Various Foods That Contain Amost No Calories

In theory, various foods could be used as a snack all without gaining weight ( even though excessive use could cause many other problems). Some foods from the list have to be prepared with water, and many others are used to snack on raw and both are tastier and delicious to eat.


One apple contains a total of 57 calories weighing 100 grams, It also has around three grams of dietary fibre.


Tomato with an average size contains just 22 calories. Tomatoes have many antioxidants and their low-calorie count can be allocated to high water content.


Surprisingly, Strawberries being such a sweet and delicious treat contain low calories.  They have a total of 50 calories per cup (150) grams.


There are different types of onions but they contain the same calories content. An average size of onion (100 grams) contains almost 44 calories.


Clementines are rich in vitamin C and one fruit around 74 grams only contains 35 calories.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are also very low in calories. One cup of chopped red bell pepper(150 grams) contains approximately 46 calories.


Carrots have approximately 53 calories per cup(128 grams). They are also high in beta-carotene, which can be changed into vitamin A.

White mushrooms

These mushrooms are very low in calories and delicious vegetables. White mushrooms contain only 15 calories per cup( 70 grams).


Papaya is very beneficial for your health, it is a great source of vitamin A and potassium. Papaya per cup(140 grams) contains about 55 calories.


Spinach is a rich source of vitamin K and Vitamin A. It is also very rich in proteins as compared to the other leafy vegetables. Spinach contains only seven calories per cup( 30 grams).


Zucchini contains only 18 calories per cup(124 grams).


Per cup (152 grams) of watermelon contains 46 calories. Watermelon is also rich in vitamin C.


Cucumber has a high water content. They are very extremely low in calories. Cucumbers have only 16 calories in a full chopped cup (104 grams)  of cucumber.


Per cup(91 grams) of chopped beets contains 31 calories. Beets are beneficial for lowering blood pressure.

Sugar snap peas

One cup (98 grams) of Sugar snap peas contains only 41 calories. Sugar snap peas are delicious vegetables.


One cup (91 grams) of Broccoli contains only 31 calories. Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C.


Lettuce is rich in water content and very low in calories. One cup of lettuce (72 grams) contains only 10 calories.


Cauliflower is very low in calories. Per cup( 100 grams) of cauliflower contains only 25 calories.


Per cup ( 140 grams) of rutabagas contains about only 50 calories. \


Per cup ( 89 grams) of cabbage contains about 22 calories.


Per cup (67 grams) of Kale contains only 34 calories. One cup of kale has 7 times the amount of vitamin K that the average person needs per day.


Arugula is very rich in vitamin K, calcium, and potassium. Arugula contains only three calories in a half cup ( 10 grams).


Per cup ( 130 grams) of turnips contains 37 calories.


Per cup ( 87 grams) of fennel contains 27 calories.


Chard is rich in vitamin K. Per cup ( 36 grams) of chard contains seven calories.


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