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How can parents guard against peanut allergies in their kids?

How can parents guard against peanut allergies in their kids?

Parents can now sigh relief, as a recent study found that young children who eat peanut products have a lower chance of developing a peanut allergy than teenagers.

The study found that children who were exposed to peanut goods between the ages of four and six months five were 71% less likely to have a peanut allergy by the time they were thirteen.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health sponsored and co-funded the study, which was published earlier this week in the medical journal NEJM Evidence, according to USA.

In a 2015 trial involving more than 600 high-risk infants, half were given peanut products to eat from birth until age five, while the other half were not given any.

According to the study’s findings, consuming peanut products at a young age lowered the likelihood of developing a peanut allergy by 81%. Nevertheless, children who tested positive for allergies were advised to stay away from peanuts.

The purpose of the current study was to evaluate more than 500 children from the initial study to determine the long-term impact of early peanut eating on the development of peanut allergies.

It was discovered that, compared to the group that abstained from peanuts, the group that routinely ate peanuts in their early years lowered their likelihood of developing a peanut allergy in adolescence by 71%.

This implies that consuming peanuts at a young age may offer long-term protection against peanut allergies.

Food Allergy Research and Education is a nonprofit organization led by Sung Poblete. Its mission is to enhance the health and quality of life of people with food allergies.

Poblete declared, “We say eat early, eat often, and that’s exactly what this research demonstrates.” The current study, he continued, “demonstrates that food can be used as preventive medicine.”
