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‘Cleantech Investment Roadshow’ launched in Karachi by the US

'Cleantech Investment Roadshow' launched in Karachi by the US

The second Investment Roadshow, sponsored by USAID, was opened on Wednesday by US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome. At the event, fourteen forward-thinking clean technology businesses presented their work to encourage private sector investment in sustainable energy solutions.

According to a statement from the US embassy, the event was organized by the USAID-funded Pakistan Private Sector Energy (PPSE) Project and to encourage investment in commercially viable sustainable energy projects and assist businesses in obtaining vital finance.

PPSE has raised more than $30 million for energy efficiency, e-mobility, and renewable energy initiatives.

Ambassador Blome states, “The United States continues to work with Pakistan on developing a stronger investment climate because expanding clean energy requires a supportive environment.”

“Investing in low-carbon and clean energy technologies is essential for Pakistan to meet its targets for renewable energy.”

Ambassador Blome’s comments were echoed by Dr. Nabeela Umer, Sindh Secretary for Environment, Climate Change, and Coastal Affairs, who stressed the significance of US assistance for Pakistan’s energy transformation.

“We wholeheartedly welcome the efforts by the United States to support our energy sector transition,” she stated.

She said that this roadshow is essential to demonstrating the urgent need for more funding to help clean energy companies grow.

We appreciate the organizers bringing together the public and commercial sectors and financiers to showcase Pakistani businesses‘ creative work to cut emissions.

The fourteen participating companies showcased their unique ideas and prototype models to a wide range of bankers and investors.
